Khaled Al-Aasar: By Abdullah bin Rawaha – Kabuya – ✍️ Omar Kabu
++ I don't know how the speech of the companion martyr Abdullah bin Abi Rawahah, the third commander who carried the banner of leadership of the Muslim army in the Battle of Mu'tah, insisted on me as I followed the words of the minister. Khaled Al-Aissar during his press conference with the Minister of Defense the day before yesterday.
++ There, when the two armies lined up the Muslim army, three thousand knights against two hundred thousand men, this venerable companion had no weapon to ignite enthusiasm in the ranks of his forces than the weapon of the word protected, reminder of an alliance, preparation for a position and strengthening of one's men…
++ From his heart emerged the belief in the justice of his cause, the prospect of meeting God, the speech of courage, firmness and jihad in favor of truth, honor and dignity…
++ His words came: ((O my people, by God, what you hate is the one you went out to seek… martyrdom… and we do not fight people with numbers, force or a large number… we fight them only with that religion with which God has honored us, then go, for it is one of the two good deeds, either the appearance or the testimony))000
++ I emphasize all this to call for a noble position, as I follow the words of Minister Khaled Al-Aasar from the podium of his press conference with the Minister of Defense, as they speak forcefully, great confidence, and impressive quality…
++ Khaled Al-Aasar started the day before yesterday from a solid foundation, whose foundation was the justice of his central cause, whose weight was true nationalism, and whose foundation was the renewed and noble vision. .
++ Committed to a philosophy that embraces boldness as a doctrine, with confidence in one's abilities, expertise and experiences, followed by an overwhelming, intelligent presence and an astonishing ability to be effective, intimate and active…
++ He did not hide behind words, as he demonstrated clarity in his approach and influence when emphasizing the right of individuals and institutions to freedom of expression and responsible practice and rational in the field of media…
++ But in the same vein, this sends a warning message not to allow any cheap media transgressions in our national space, which is witnessing the biggest international conspiracy targeting our people, our heritage, our Nile, our wealth, our authenticity and the sovereignty of our territory…
++ The Minister realizes the extent of the challenges in the media and cultural sector that await him and which require a lot of trouble, effort, coordination and cooperation with all public interest partners…
++ He realizes that a humble committee called the Dismantling Committee has stripped the green and dry of our media institutions, confiscated them, looted their property, imprisoned opinion writers, taken their money, impoverished them and exposed them to extreme experiences. bad, ugliness, humiliation and humiliation…
++Therefore, he will work hard to repel the injustice against them, ease the suffering from their shoulders, inspect their conditions, console them and solve their problems so that these institutions return more and more brilliant, repelling with him an enemy fierce, protecting the rear of his army, and supporting his unbridled donations…
++ The strongest thing in his lecture was his courageous statement and direct accusation that the UAE state supports and helps the rebel militia, and then his strong statements on opening complaint procedures against them, supported by strong and consistent arguments, evidence and evidence. ..
++ It is shared by the meager State of Chad, which presents a blatant example of biting the hand that did well and fulfilled its duty…
++ It is true that it began with a revolutionary emergence demanded by the scene, which matched it and did not encounter the statesman in all his calm, sobriety, wisdom and sanity …
++But his long experience will allow him to change language, speaking very calmly and with great concentration, with the same power, influence and fluidity, far from angry emotion and distant cries, with relative, inconclusive statements and definitive. ..
++ I am sure that Khaled will take the initiative to announce the creation of an advisory council composed of media sages and seasoned experts of the value and stature of Professor Ali Shamo, Hussein Khojali, Salah al-Din al-Fadil, Abdul-Azim Awad, Hassan Fadl al-Mawla, Abdul-Ilah Abu Sun, al-Hindi Izz al-Din, Fath al-Rahman al-Nahhas, Adel al-Baz, Dia al-Din Bilal and al-Sir Ahmed Omar and Saif al-Din Hassan, Youssef Al-Samani, Moatasem Al-Juaili, Muzamil Abu Al-Qasim, Fatima Al-Sadiq and Bakhita Amin. Ahmed Al-Bilal Al-Tayeb, Abdul-Daf Al-Khatib, Graham, Ibrahim Al-Bazai, Al-Rashid Ali Omar, Hatem Abusen, Professor Salah Ibrahim, Ali Al-Mubarak and Abdul-Rahman Kabir had the experience and expertise refined by practice and deepened by challenges…
++ Finally, man deliberately appeared frequently, marking a new phase in which he showed the State in all its form and well-being. He will dedicate himself to his core tasks, pumping blood through the arteries of media institutions, and he will do so. will not appear as often as before, except in a situation where its appearance requires on his part a firm conviction that: ((of the intensity of the appearance is invisibility)) )…
++ Khaled Al-Aasar managed to create a strong relationship between himself and the recipient, because he is not ready to sacrifice it for the sake of an ephemeral position which, if it had lasted for someone else, would not have become his…
++ There is no doubt that he managed to break through the wall of (silence) from which the State suffered, and he was able, in a short time, to succeed in moving the stagnant waters thanks to his distinguished appearance and with a little concentration, his first ministry will become a ranking in terms of effectiveness and achievement, with lasting impact…
++ We are all with ((Sukhoi)) for a targeted media message that blocks the path of prowlers…
++Khaled represents me personally and I support him strongly and aggressively…
*++Our army, machine*..
*++ Be careful, Jinn*..
*++ They are innocent, O Messenger of God*..
*Omar Capo*