Khartoum moves closer to Geneva in the name of peace – The face of truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

As we know, the atmosphere began to be tense after the government delegation returned from the Jeddah talks with the delegation of the United States of America… after which the government engaged in a series of meetings and encounters with a number of members of the diplomatic corps, as it was understood that it was beginning to prepare for an upcoming diplomatic battle, during which a member of the Sovereignty Council met with the Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Lieutenant General Ibrahim Jaber, the ambassadors of Russia, China and Qatar, explained to them the situation and the efforts made by the Sudanese government to bring peace and stability to the country. He told them about the American call for peace negotiations in Geneva and the results of the consultative meeting between the government delegation and the Americans. which took place in Jeddah, he also assured them of Sudan's readiness to prepare a road map to implement the Jeddah Agreement, and then discuss Sudan's vision for resuming negotiations that would lead to peace. Jaber spoke about preparing a roadmap to implement the Jeddah Agreement. Jeddah Agreement, this is perhaps the first intelligent signal sent by the government through this trio that represents the countries, it has remained an ally of Sudan and could be a game changer if it intervenes directly to stop the war. support the Jeddah platform with countries that Sudan trusts more than the United States of America, Lieutenant General Kabbashi, member of the sovereignty and deputy commander-in-chief of the army, also met with a number of ambassadors, including an ambassador from Morocco. and Malaysia.. and he informed them of the same developments, announcing the same position that Jaber said.. and in order to make it appear that there is harmony of positions between the sovereign and the ministers, the Council of Ministers also met, where the President of the Council and the Minister of Council Affairs confirmed the designated minister Othman Hussein in the meeting of the Federal Council of Ministers after listening to a report. The head of the discussion delegation, Abu Nammu, announced his adherence to the results of the Jeddah agreement and the emphasis on Sudan's openness to dialogue on this basis… And so that Al-Hikma seems to stick to his position, President Al-Burhan's speech also came on the occasion of Army Day, which coincided with the start of the negotiations, with a clear announcement of the position of the Sudanese government: we will not compromise or compromise on the legitimate rights of the people to restore security and stability and eliminate the treacherous aggression, no matter how great the sacrifices. He also stressed that the path to peace. or stopping the war is clear, which implements what we agreed in Jeddah in May 2023… and there will be no cessation of operations without the withdrawal and exit of the last militias from the cities and villages that they invaded and colonized. his people. We do not forget the visit of the Sudanese Foreign Minister Hussein Awad to Malaysia and his delivery of two letters from President Al-Burhan to the King of Malaysia and his Prime Minister and his speech that any peace talks in Sudan are far from possible. what was agreed in the Jeddah platform is not considered a serious dialogue to reach satisfactory solutions for the Sudanese people and their government. All this accelerated activity carried out by the Sudanese government has put a good pressure on the American mediation. People demonstrating to express this position, if not for the security conditions that the country is going through, it would have made a significant difference in the regional and international environment. This is what concerns us now, the Sudanese position. remains clear, supported by the people's desire for a just peace that does not reproduce the crisis or in which the rebels of the Rapid Support Forces return to the Sudanese scene at any level of government… after all these humanitarian crimes committed by these forces against the Sudanese people..who has been described as another jihadist in reference to the wars of Caliph Abdullah al-Taayshi in the last century against the populations of central and northern Sudan, which remain etched in the memory of these regions. On the other hand, and in light of this, the United States of America proceeded to create the Geneva Conference with those who participated in it. According to the agencies, Perillo announced the beginning of the opening session with international and technical partners representing these countries and international and regional organizations, ensuring that the parties respect and implement the commitments of Jeddah, and that the warring parties respect international humanitarian law and allow the entry of humanitarian aid and a ceasefire. This is the speech published by the American envoy. a clear reference to the commitment to establish the Jeddah platform and the resulting agreement on security and humanitarian arrangements. To confirm this, a joint statement was also issued regarding the Geneva negotiations, adopted by the United States, Switzerland, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates committed to working hard in Switzerland and to deploying more intensive diplomatic efforts to support Sudan in providing relief, ending hostilities and implementing the outcomes of the Jeddah meetings. to respect for international humanitarian law. If we are faced with a clear position from all parties, let's stop. He has the next step… expected from the Sudanese government… Is what has been announced enough for him to engage in negotiations. .. In my opinion, this is rather enough, the delay that the government adopted from a tactical point of view is considered good… to maintain the negotiating position and preserve the internal front that remained united behind the leadership… it also gathered good support for its position from friends and brothers and this was manifested through the visit of the President of the Sovereignty Council to Rwanda and Burundi and the meeting with the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs on the sidelines of these visits… in addition to the visits made by his deputy Malik Agar to Mozambique… as well as the communications received by the President. The evidence comes from several countries: Turkey, China, Qatar, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and his meeting yesterday in his office with the ambassador of Norway, who came as a mediator to push Sudan to participate in Geneva, did not mention the last of these contacts at the time of writing, according to the US State Department agencies: A. An appeal was made Thursday at dawn by Anthony Blinken with President Al-Burhan to participate in the Swiss negotiations aimed at fully implementing the Jeddah Declaration on the commitment to protect civilians. These intensive contacts and meetings that took place over the past two days have prevented. President Al-Burhan addressing the Sudanese people on the occasion of Army Day confirmed that the Sudanese government has completely improved its negotiating position and has gathered the necessary support if it decides to participate in Geneva. The road has become more paved than before, it seems. All that remains is to start negotiations according to these data, if the rebel Rapid Support Forces have committed to the Jeddah Agreement, as announced by the media in their statement. at the opening of the sessions, and they have been able to fulfill their commitments. We can continue to carry out the negotiation program to achieve peace, otherwise it will be a good experience that has confirmed the government's commitment to a just peace that preserves the rights of its people. and dignity. The army maintains the prestige of the Kaaba as the sole guarantor of the unity of the Sudanese state and its institutions. This is the face of truth for which we must all work so that our country can enjoy security and peace. which makes us confirm that Khartoum has moved closer to Geneva in order to achieve peace in accordance with these facts.

May you always be well..

Thursday, August 15, 2024 AD (email protected)

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