Khartoum moves on to tomorrow despite the nose of war – The face of reality – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

It was reported that Port Sudan will host tomorrow a workshop for the reconstruction of Khartoum State under the patronage of His Excellency Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, Chairman of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council. The Governor of Khartoum, Mr. Ahmed Othman Hamza, said: The workshop was prepared after the issuance of the decision to develop the Khartoum Appeal to assist the needy affected by the war. A comprehensive reconstruction and recovery program, where the program coordinator worked with a team of specialists to conduct a preliminary inventory of facilities that were damaged by the war, it is expected that a number of ministers and directors of agencies and units related to the workshop themes will participate in the workshop, in addition to experts, companies, finance and business people and the media. The workshop will bring together a number of ministers and directors of agencies and units related to the workshop themes. The workshop will discuss the reconstruction of Khartoum State despite the outbreak of war… as well as the challenges of reality and the situation. shaping the future, in addition to the strategic vision of the State for reconstruction, recovery and exit from the war… Observers believe that the workshop could be part of political marketing rather than a real start of the reconstruction process… especially since the war is still raging in several localities of the State. However, it is known that the announcement of reconstruction operations and the planned amount of expenditure represent part of the movement towards the next day, in which there is no political responsibility. maneuvering to attract supporters of the order to stop the war, establish peace and establish security. This is how we can read this workshop in this context, because it is expected to announce a comprehensive and broad plan that includes, in its first. The reconstruction of Khartoum, and then the reconstruction of the whole of Sudan, must be taken into account given the magnitude of the disaster caused by the war in Sudan, which was triggered in mid-April last year by rebel forces supported by the region. In addition to the collapse of infrastructure, what is considered huge sums and a high financial cost, will encourage the entry of new actors so that they can have a share of the reconstruction pie and perhaps deprive others. The regional level has continued to confirm that it is waiting for the silence of the guns… and the silence of the bullets… to be able to carry its suitcases and its investment plans and advance its projects… which are attractive and sustainable… as we know that wars are fundamentally the hidden face of the economy, so reconstruction remains the other side of the war through the struggle to win investment opportunities at the level of countries and companies… and even individuals… especially at the level of companies. our Sudanese case, in which the state has many economic resources and guarantees that friendly countries and big companies are looking for… and this is what leads us to ask an important question: which countries and companies are allowed to participate in the reconstruction of Sudan? What was destroyed by the war?… And how will the cake be distributed? To what extent will these countries contribute to the political and military effort that can end this war, achieve peace and restore security? It is also important to know that reconstruction takes time. So it is important that an agreement is reached on the time frame and all the rights related to the reconstruction… and the reconstruction of the state of Khartoum and all of Sudan after that. … and that this will be organized according to priorities… It is also important to pay attention to the estimates of the cost of the war and then the cost of reconstruction… and this is what makes us… We highlight a fundamental question: how do geopolitical considerations affect the use of our economic resources in reconstruction? This is one of the important factors that determine the direction of aid, loans or investments in line with our national objectives and aligning them with regional objectives? and international powers that seek participation in reconstruction enterprises. The reconstruction of our country after the war constitutes a new chapter of competition between different local, regional and international actors. are determined by strategic alliances and common interests… and the competition that this implies… through this multidimensional perspective, it is possible to understand the relationship between post-war reconstruction and the balance of international and regional powers. can help end the war, establish peace and security, and then move on to the next day. It is also important to note that certain basic conditions must be met for the reconstruction processes to proceed smoothly. .. First… the importance of the availability of economic resources for reconstruction, and as we have indicated, we can count on hoarded resources such as gold, oil, agriculture, livestock and ports, which are enormous and important financial resources whose exploitation through productive partnerships can make a big difference in accelerating reconstruction. Second: the way in which the war ends, which means that the military settlement and the reconstruction opportunities that follow with the participation of others are very different from ending the war through negotiation, which may require giving the mediators the largest share of the reconstruction pie. Third: The presence or absence of a political process at the national or regional level also has a direct impact on the reconstruction opportunities. It is important to have an internal political and national process that involves everyone without exception. Fourth, it is important to have effective and established economic structures that can manage the reconstruction processes and economic opportunities, so that all coordination operations can be carried out. political parties or direct financing of reconstruction operations. Fifth: This is an important condition: the extent of community interaction with the reconstruction processes, their support and celebration. This is in addition to the importance of the reconstruction process expressing the national identity of the country as well as the national project that underlies it. brings together all the people of Sudan. Especially in our case, which remains… In this document, it is important to highlight the national aspects and to highlight the cultural identity that expresses all the people of Sudan. It is also important in the reconstruction processes. focus on the institutional heritage and the political and social relations of the state. Experts in this field say that every minute you spend on planning, you gain ten minutes in implementation… Therefore, it is important that we strive to develop strategic plans that highlight the. important points to be achieved… besides the importance of providing for solution mechanisms… Before that, an urgent and in-depth reading… of the current reality is necessary… so that plans can be launched based on… Solid science through prioritization. What do we want? Where to start and when to start reconstruction? It is also important to support development by developing short, medium and long term projects? Short-term strategies are linked to the necessary and urgent problems and tasks by identifying them and starting to implement them. The medium term is linked to the end of the war and the beginning of the return and stabilization processes. .. long-term development of the resources and mechanisms of the Sudanese economy so that the state rests on solid foundations… In another aspect, it is important that participation be made available to those who had previously planned the structural plan for Khartoum It was prepared by Dr. Al-Tayeb Haj Attia, Dr. Abdullah Othman and Engineer Fayez Abbas… who sought the assistance of German and European companies specializing in urban planning for modern cities, on which deliberations and workshops were held. According to what we were told, it is still present in the Supreme Council for Strategic Planning after its move to another safe location… It included, in part, a map directed to the state, which included a broad structural plan based on the transfer of government ministries and military and security institutions from the heart of the state to the periphery, and maintaining a symbolic presence in the name of security. From the above, the face of the truth. The importance of the new and modern project for Khartoum remains to make it a new capital in which emphasis is placed on social aspects, aesthetic taste, national consciousness, culture, arts, gardens and architecture that express the Sudanese Sinarian identity. It is also necessary to innovate with modern means that avoid traffic jams, improve the advantages of the Nile fronts, move government offices to the periphery and consolidate services in modern complexes that adopt modern electronic systems.

May you always be well..

Monday, September 16, 2024 AD. (email protected)

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