Kikel: His money and what he owes – a tribute of respect and appreciation to these people – Kabuya – ✍️ Omar Kabu

++ Almighty God has commanded us to establish justice as the principle, goal and objective without neutrality or exception. The truth is more worth following, and falsehood is more to be avoided, and there is no right that is more to be followed than that of doing justice to the people and weighing them with just scales to satisfy the righteous , the indulgent and the merciful sovereign, Glory to His Sultan, may He be glorified and exalted be His Grandfather, and to realize His desire for the well-being of a society based on justice and equity.

++ Public opinion is divided between those who see Abu Aqila as a rebel, a murderer, a usurper, who rebelled against state authority and spread corruption on the island. Our armed forces must push him back and send him back to fight again. in the ranks of the militias to return the ball to the villages, destroying the offspring and the crops…

++ Among them are those who believe that he is a murderer, a plunderer and a rebel, but he has declared his repentance and total bias towards the armed forces, which requires treating him with wisdom, guidance and righteousness . , wisdom requires enabling it to fight alongside our armed forces and make full use of data, information, evidence and evidence…

++ Here, out of love of God, then of history, then out of concern for justice and equity, and far from following deviations and whims, we must approach the question from several aspects:

++ Firstly, in all honesty, we cannot equate a rebel who repents and comes to his senses, regardless of whether he was extravagant in his crime, with a rebel who still continues his journey of crime and great rebellion…

++Moreover, it is justice for him that we cannot forget that his surrender to the army and his support for our armed forces caused the death of the rebel militia, frustrated him, weakened his morale and lit the embers of discontent and discontent. anger in his heart, so he started rambling about “empty” talk and ridiculous nonsense that he didn't care about…

++ On the other hand, this measure boosted the morale of our fighters, delighted and encouraged the Sudanese people and strengthened their confidence in the abilities of our powerful army to resolve the rebellion once and for all…

++ However, the real added value lies in the fact that it will certainly provide the army with comprehensive information and provide them with more abundant statistics, in the language of numbers, on the militia, its movements, its vehicles and its location . ..

++ So that the maximum benefit of this step is that he represents the most important witness in the trial of Sudan against the evil state, because he of course knows the details of the material ((logistic)) and moral support, as well that all the secrets. and the mysteries of state conspiracy…

++ If Kikel's action had only sowed terror, discontent, anxiety and tension in the triangle of evil ((the state of wickedness + the Janjaweed + the arrogance of God honors the listeners )), then that would have been enough and the country would have grown…

++ There remain two observations worthy of contemplation, comrade:

First: there is no doubt that Kikel committed a crime against the people of Sudan, especially against the citizens of Jazira, Sennar and Blue Nile. Truth and justice, without which heaven and earth do not exist, require that no one escape. punishment for a crime committed by his own hands, and therefore, one day soon, the file on this case will be opened from beginning to end, so that everyone receives their just punishment.

The second note: A fragrant compliment, fragrant to most of our regular forces, in particular to our military intelligence and our general intelligence, who planned and organized this surprise after having forced him to quickly take the path of capitulation.. .

++ Truth be told, Abu Aqla had no choice but to surrender after our armed forces tightened their grip and declaring Sudan a free homeland of the Janjaweed became only a matter of time…

++ Of course, all the Sudanese people were happy, except for the traitors, agents and workers who tried to minimize Kikel's return to the arms of the homeland after committing crimes against him and against the rights of his people and of his people. the island…

++ Al-Qahta Al-Kalab suffered the most from its surrender, which confirmed the certainty of eliminating the last thread of hope that guaranteed the survival of the Janjaweed in Sudan…

++ A step for which the evil state will pay dearly after its dramatic confession in all courts examining the UAE's crimes against Sudan…

*++Our army, you machine*..

*++Be careful, Jinn*..

*++Innocent, O Messenger of God*..

*Omar Capo*

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