Knights of Houbah ✍️ Hijazia Muhammad Saeed

They are the ones who rose through the ranks and took up arms against the enemy to protect and preserve land and honor.

They are the ones who answered the call of the nation when the nation called its sons

They left everything behind and trusted in the Eternals, cultivating this good land with their pure blood.

Knights don't know how to slow down on the day of battle

But when the heat got bad, they were in the lead

Men whose hearts know no fear, but who are as steadfast as steadfast mountains. They stood firm through the heat of battle, maintaining their alliance and loyalty to their beloved homeland.

They were shot with chests as strong as stone

They did not turn back despite the conditions they were experiencing, including lack of food and water.

They spent days and nights without taking off their clothes. They fasted Ramadan out of faith and seeking reward, not knowing if there would be anything to satisfy their hunger.

The Knights of Houba wrote their golden history on the battlefield, land of men, in gold leaf

A story to be remembered and told to future generations about the meaning of patriotism, courage and sacrifice.

Men faithful to what they had promised to God

It is true that we have lost our fellow men and our hearts are dripping with blood because of their separation, but we are proud and proud of them because they are the pride and glory of this country.

*My message to every Sudanese man, woman or child: do not bow your head to an arrogant oppressor, but rather die with pride and firmness* *And defend yourself, your land and your honor, because death will not happen again.

And what God has shared for you, you will get, so defend it, even if you have no weapon, your weapon is your faith in God, who will support you or accept you as a martyr.

Why would you choose to die when you are humiliated?

Or did you die standing, like the high mountains and the tall palm trees, like your brothers who preceded you in martyrdom?

If the martyr falls covered in his own blood, we will march and extend the torches to the other martyr.


The choice is yours, dear Sudanese citizen.* Humiliation or pride

“I will walk with my head held high in a land of nobility and purity, sanctifying my homeland and making love flow in my blood.”

We send our greetings to our brave soldiers who are now stationed on the front lines in all regions of the homeland. May the Most Merciful protect you and take care of you with his eye that never sleeps and support you in his victory.

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