Kosti Al-Khabub and Al-Rubub locality (2) of (3) – In fact – ✍️ Yasser Zain Al-Abidin, the lawyer

Sometimes coincidences and circumstances have their good side…

My feet guided me with the push, Dr Al-Moez

I just came from America…

We were near the local buildings of Kosti, that is to say

Last year, last fall…

Water also stagnates in the neighborhood courtyard.

Around her to the south and east…

Floor vendors and others on the move…

Vegetables and fruits exposed to the ground…

The image is hideous, disgusting and very insulting…

The frogs croak, the flies, every blink and every attention…

A worker washing a cart Ajabin, indifferent…

He worked hard to polish it to make it white.

He doesn't know that once she moves, she'll come back dirty…

Paying a penny to wash it is a waste…

We walked into his office and started pointing at him

For the shortcomings, for the errors and how to remedy them…

One of the leaders came to our house

I would like to ask you a question…

Before he could finish his answer, his strange anger arose…

He told her something that was supposed to be between them…

We felt embarrassed, the behavior was rude and reprehensible…

We didn't finish our conversation, we left with bitterness in our throats…

Managing people requires an impartial method…

Feel the human feeling and dignity…

Within the limits of fitness, training and responsibility…

Insulting him in public definitely hurts him…

Make him refuse to cooperate and hate you…

Managing people requires knowing how to manage…

He who manages his colleagues in this way will not succeed…

Perhaps he wanted us to understand his determination, but he failed.

The city will suffer from the lack of a chasm and will become dark…

Al-Mu'izz commented, saying that Ajabin's abilities are weak

This is not demonstrated by the dirt around the premises…

During the last days of the governor's visit to Tandelti…

To open the Umm Katirat water project, the buildings

Local waste management mechanisms…

The governor arrived and everyone went down to wonder…

He stayed in his car, looking down as if nothing had happened.

I mean, from near or far…

The local Tandelti wore the most beautiful costume, as if she were her

A bride on her wedding night…

Amazing achievement of the high-end buildings mentioned

It has a local administration…

New waste carts have been added with effort

Considering a very complex circumstance…

The local section ranked second in terms of

The State's financial revenues…

The cleanliness impressed visitors and was appreciated…

He did not like strangeness, nor fasting.

Rajab or Rajabin…

My dress is dirty, filthy and worn out

With a broken wing and a broken heart…

Groaning under the weight of a CEO of his potential

Administrative at the foot…

He stayed in his car with the air conditioning on

It consumes more fuel than average…

This consumption tells us that we are wasting our public money…

The governor asked the man with the high chair to come down…

He dusted off his carefully polished shoes and walked…

The request was very polite and sincere…

As a result, he came down under duress, forced and resentful…

Those who witnessed this behavior were denounced by the crowd.

The question is: is it caused by jealousy or is it hatred…

This is a question that needs to be answered in order to analyze…

Who stopped him from innovating like others did…

Did he think he was the master of a daydream he was having?

Suddenly the air conditioner was cold…

Or does he see himself as a ruler and successor to the caliph, or?

Some people whispered to him…

By making a comparison between the two positions, we emphasize…

Ajabin treated his subordinate harshly…

While the governor treated him with wisdom and education…

He is not at all fit to exercise local leadership…

Kindness is an adornment and rudeness is shameful, no matter what.

Our noble Messenger is rude and hard-hearted…

You guys, the townspeople will argue with you, why?

You didn't do what was expected of you…

You will be held responsible for Al-Naqir and Al-Qatmir…

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