Kuwait and Qatar are bridges of relief and seas of affection – Edge of the Sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 In times of adversity, a person can simply distinguish his friend from his enemy and his brother from his so-called brothers. Praise and thanks be to God for giving Sudan brotherly and friendly countries that stand by its side in times of adversity and war. and disasters.

Kuwait and Qatar, the two friendly brothers, have continued to stand by Sudan since the beginning of this cursed war, and their hands have been and continue to be white against the Sudanese government and people. Yesterday, they set up airlifts to help those affected by the torrents and floods that destroyed many houses and left citizens without shelter, clothes or medicine.

0 Sister Kuwait sent relief planes, upon the instructions of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, carrying tents and medical and humanitarian aid estimated at forty tons, Ambassador Dr. Fahd Al-Dhafiri said that three planes would arrive successively on the days (15, 18 and 20) of this August.

0 On the other hand, brotherly Qatar continued its support for those affected by torrents and floods by sending two planes carrying relief supplies to those affected by the Qatar Fund for Development, the Qatar Red Crescent and Qatar Charity in coordination with His Excellency Ambassador Mohamed Ibrahim Al-Sada in the administrative capital, Port Sudan. He specified that these relief supplies are allocated to the Nile and Northern States and include 430 family tents, a quantity of shelter materials and six thousand blankets.

0 The support given to the two sisters, Kuwait and Qatar, is an act from countries that have seas of affection and bridges of kindness to make others happy and help them without expecting financial gain or words of thanks for the good work and help they have provided. We ask God that this be in the balance of their good deeds. How could it be otherwise, when these are deeds that bring us closer to God Almighty, when He, Glory be to Him, has done good deeds and promised those who do them a great reward and a great status in Paradise.

0 Many thanks to the brothers of the States of Kuwait and Qatar, and our prayers for them for success and prosperity. It is said that it is not enough to do good. Rather, you must do good deeds. Wheat and good work only grow in good soil, and helping others is not a duty, but rather a pleasure in which people enjoy the happiness of this world and the hereafter. As the poet Khalil Mutran said:

Begin with the good that repels evil.

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Kindness is protection and peace

Everything is beautiful


However, the Mighty One is perfect in Him

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue. If he has the rest of his life. I swear there is no intention behind this.

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