Leaders of the 3rd Shendi Infantry Division witness the distribution of sacrificial sheep to the families of martyrs ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

As part of its support program for the families of the martyrs, the leadership of the 3rd Infantry Division, Shindi, celebrated the handing over of the “sheep of sacrifice” to the families of the martyrs of the Battle of Pride and Dignity, under the patronage and honor of the Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, Major General Hamdan Abdul Qader Daoud, and in the presence of the Second Commander of the 3rd Division, Brigadier General Omar Al-Sir Ali and Mr. General Hamza Al-Faki, commander of the 51st Artillery Brigade, 3rd Division, Colonel Ahmed Youssef, head of the Division's Administrative Division, and representatives of brigade and division commanders and units of the 3rd Division , as well as a number of non-commissioned officers and families of martyrs.

Addressing the crowd, General Hamdan Abdul Qader saluted the martyrs, emphasizing that death is a universal law, the path of the first and the last, and that the martyrs are the most honorable of us all because God choose.

Hamdan praised the patience of the martyrs' families in this affliction in accepting their loss.

He added that offering these sacrifices aims to take care of the families of the martyrs, and we will spare no effort towards the families of the martyrs who laid down their lives and souls as a sacrifice for the homeland.

During the celebration, the sheep were handed over to a number of families of the martyrs present, and the delivery continued to those who were not present in their place.

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