Letters in the editorial notebook – here is my point of view – ✍️ Abdul Aziz Abdul Wahab

Today, after the liberation of Umm al-Mada'in and the refuge of the hearts of the Sudanese people, it will be necessary for the world, whether usurped, jubilant or silent, to look twice at the battle for dignity that Sudan acts with its forces, standing and sitting, with the exception of traitors and those who sell their conscience for the modest sum of dirhams to the one-eyed and dusty devil. They must understand the following:
* The crowds who came out voluntarily and joyfully applauded the release of civilians, from inside and outside Sudan, affirmed the deep cohesion between the people and their army, and that there is no truth in what is spread as slander by the shameless and pariah whether this army is infiltrated or submissive.
* The arrogant powers and their agents in the region must understand that the Sudanese army cannot and will not be defeated, even at its lowest levels, and that if it falls; The throats and silks would have fought for him, if not the graves.
* It is time for the Security Council, arrogant Britain, the European Union, the African Union, the League of Arabs, the Conference Organization and the remnants of the fragile and shabby groups to come to their senses and register full recognition. of the right of the Sudanese to choose who represents and governs them as they see fit, and that no traitor or agent has the opportunity to speak vulgarly in their name.
* The UAE government must hold an emergency meeting, during which it rereads its position on the proud and disobedient army of Sudan, with some relations, patience and patience in the face of unprecedented adversity, and on the how she squandered the reputation and resources of her people in a war from which they reaped only disgrace and disgrace.
And that the good people of the Emirates were victims of those who wanted to satisfy their ego by brutalizing a people who belonged to them; self-established; Yes, bear it.
* The leaders must move forward, with the support of the people, on the path to the complete cleansing of the entire territory of the rebellion and its forcible expulsion from all cities. There will then be no more possibility of negotiation with an aggressor, a usurper and a vanquished. throw all appeals, mediators and platforms into the sea.
Let the call be addressed only to partners and friends for investment and reconstruction. Let the UAE ignore us with their grim faces and hands stained with the blood of innocents.
May you live long