Lieutenant General Amir Abdel Moneim Fadl Police: Prominent Security Commander Achieves Security Results in Khartoum State ✍️ Section of Mr. Abdel Wahab

In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful

✍️ Deputy for Police Pensions, Mr. Abdel Wahab

Khartoum State is located in the center of Sudan and is considered one of the largest states in terms of population and architectural density. It houses the presidency of the republic, the government, the commands and presidencies of the regular forces, embassies, consulates and others.

Due to the nature of this state, it was necessary to choose a man of choice to serve as the director of the police, and the choice fell on this lion commander, His Excellency Lieutenant General, Human Rights Police Officer, Amir Abdel Moneim Fadl, a well-known man among the police tribe who has the ability to make the right choice, anticipate the future, realize reality, and who has a strong personality capable of controlling his emotions, feelings, and actions, he is a man who does not allow others. to influence him. He does not participate in a meeting without leaving and the problem or issue is resolved. He has his own opinion and confidence in his opinion, unlike other people who fear their opinions because of their fear of rejection.

A quiet man with high morals, a chaste hand and tongue. You will always find Hasha Pasha in the faces of others he knows and does not know, despite the rigor of the army. He was humble.

He worked in all public police departments and had contributions and fingerprints in these places. He also worked as the director of the Red Sea State Police, and he received the highest praise for unraveling the murder of a Port Sudan trader, which shook the state. He also served as the police supervisor in the northern sector of the Nile and Northern River states, and both states prospered during his reign, in terms of security, improving the working environment of subordinates, reducing administrative humiliation for citizens, and opening some service departments, laying the foundation stone for others, opening some departments, and providing medical services in police hospitals.

The man, after being appointed as the director of Khartoum State Police, inspected his forces and employees in the Emergency Department, Operations, Traffic and Automated Inspection Department of Karari Locality, Central Command of the Reserve Forces in Omdurman and some of the various police departments and sectors in Khartoum State.

These visits are aimed at verifying and reassuring His Excellency on the security and criminal situation. This visit has contributed significantly, especially to raising the morale of the forces to exert more efforts and generosity and to achieve security and stability, urging them to carry out their activities. the tasks assigned to them to consolidate the foundations of security and spread comfort in the souls of citizens and preserve lives and property while bringing the sense of altruism and compassion among citizens.

His Excellency praised the sacrifices of his employees to contribute to the battle of dignity and their support to support the armed forces and other support forces in defeating the rebellion and mercenaries, stressing his growing interest in stability and continuing criminal and administrative work in all police departments and departments in the localities of Omdurman, Umm Baddah, Karari and all liberated areas that demonstrate the stability of security and the fight against explosives and waste. The war includes all types of weapons, ammunition, mine clearance and defusing explosives by his forces, which have been received. high training in this field.

Victory to our armed forces, our police forces, our security and rescue personnel, healing to the wounded, open-mouthedness to the martyrs and return of the missing.

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