Livelihood workers, not journalists – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

Long before the Janjaweed war against the Sudanese people, some journalists and journalists worked for the Rapid Support Militia… they create content that beautifies its face and makes its leader shine, and they publish every action it performs. and attribute all credits to it, even though they donated or contributed to the transportation of citizens in cars they owned with state money, like others, and financed many activities attributed to the militia and to its leader in this capacity or in his capacity. as Vice-President of the Sovereign Council…

After starting the war, the spending continued on those who were accustomed to receiving militia money and whitewashing their faces, without caring about the source of this money and the unlimited destruction, devastation and violations that this militia had caused…

After publishing a list classifying certain politicians as supporters of the rebellion and supporters of all the destruction that has hit Sudan, and even demanding more destruction as long as the Sudanese army remains and as long as power is in the hands of Al-Burhan, the army leaders and some civilians who do not belong to them politically, taking the saying (Yafaha, it will die out) as an approach to gain power and govern the country…

Following this list, we have called for the need to include certain journalists and website owners on one or more new lists that classify them as supporters of the devastation and devastation hitting the country and demanding that the army stops the war and does not demand the militia that violates honor, kills people and penetrates with its forces into a new place every day and threatens to storm even more distant security zones.

The Journalists' Union, whose decision was rejected by the population of Qaht and loyalists of the militia, declared, while complaining, that journalists and websites are being pursued by the authorities…

These people are no longer journalists after what they have done and after all that people have known and tasted of them.

These are employees who even sell the honor of their sisters and loved ones, violated by the militias, in exchange for a few dollars and a few gifts to which they have been accustomed since before the rebellion and the coup d'état…

No one would agree to be prosecuted against a journalist who took an honorable stance towards the country and remained a defender of the Sudanese people, to whom this militia did some of the things that the Jews did not do in the people of Palestine, such as rape, extortion, kidnapping of civilians, looting of property and demand for ransom in exchange for the return of the plundered and the release of the kidnappers…

No one is content to silence the voices, and to the same extent, no one is content to betray and sell out the country and the citizen and support these oppressors only in exchange for what goes into the pockets of some site owners Web and pens. .

God was helping everyone

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