Losing an Image – The Defeat of Social and Family Relationships During Crises – On Low Heat – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

⚪ The current crises represent a major challenge for human societies, as new pressures emerge that weaken social bonds and disintegrate families. This tragic reality raises many questions about how crises affect human relationships and communication between individuals within society and their families. What the war currently taking place in the country has revealed is something surprising, which has led people to adopt strange behaviors between members of the same family. Disagreements have broken out, the fires of discord have been lit, and a fierce war has broken out for a rebellion of a new type, which is the victory of oneself, self-love, rejection of the other, and an excessively selfish view of problems and needs and the criminalization of those closest to us. The battles that were fought inside the great houses that brought people together for love, joy and the joy of all love, have now become fields of battles and war.

🟢 It is important to understand the deeper layers that have been eroded, and the consequences of growing social phenomena such as self-esteem, especially in times of unrest.

🟢 Societies in crisis suffer from multiple effects that are manifested in the disintegration of social structures. The difficult events we have experienced have made social challenges clearer and more present, which has had a negative impact on family and social relationships.

🔴 Financial and psychological pressures have increased, leading to increased rates of stress and high rates of separation and suffering. Understanding these challenges is a first step toward solving stubborn problems.

🔵 The disintegration of family ties has become a common phenomenon in the present day, as discord between individuals arises as a result of constant pressures. Parental relationships are exposed to the pressures of education and the environment, leading to an escalation of conflicts within families. This disintegration deeply affects future generations, disrupts the provision of emotional support, and increases the isolation and frustration of individuals. Instead of cohesion, chaos and separation reign among family members.

🟤 Self-love has emerged as a phenomenon that increases significantly during these crises, as it reflects the distribution of urgent priorities on the personal level rather than concern and care for others. Due to increased stress, individuals excessively seek introspection and satisfaction of their personal needs, which reduces social interaction and empathy with others. This phenomenon not only contributes to the disintegration of relationships, but also deepens social gaps and strengthens the state of negativity in society.

🔵 Cases of domestic violence and crimes have increased alarmingly during crises, with an increase in complaints to security agencies. Psychological and economic pressures contribute to the outbreak of conflicts, leading to scenes of physical and psychological violence within families. This violence not only harms marital relationships, but also poses an increased danger to children and adolescents who witness these events. Addressing this phenomenon requires careful analysis and measures that support mental and psychological peace.

The crisis is not only affecting family relationships, but its effects extend to friendships and human relationships in general. Financial and psychological pressures can put additional pressure on individuals, leading to less communication and openness between friends. Many people prefer to isolate themselves in times of crisis, which leads to a breakdown in human connections and causes feelings of loneliness and isolation to develop. It is important that we re-evaluate our awareness of the importance of friendships in times like these.

🟠 Community response to crises is crucial to combat social breakdown. There is an urgent need to provide effective support to affected individuals and families by providing them with resources and psychological care.

🟤 Working on social awareness should be part of societal efforts to improve human relations. Joint initiatives, such as dialogue sessions and volunteer activities, can help rebuild the social fabric and strengthen bonds between individuals.

🟢 In conclusion, we note that crises highlight profound societal challenges that require an immediate and effective response. Maintaining family and social ties is very important to cope with the chaos that crises can cause. The emphasis must be on teamwork and mutual aid to ensure the continuity of human relationships and rebuild societies.

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