Loyalty and to tell the truth, you were on time ✍️ Elias Abdel Rahman

*Good morning*
We have been busy with many things, but we have not forgotten, by God, the great and noble work that took place last week in the locality of Shendi. This is the initiative to honor the media pioneers of Shendi locality by the former media directors of Shendi locality. This may be a real program, to say the least noble, and the Nile State Ministry of Culture, Information and Communications has appreciated this program. The values are to jump far and stand out from the crowd. routine programs and visit localities in the state, as well as communicate with the media and culture departments of the localities. We in Shindi locality are really happy as media about this great program.
Thanks to him, there has been communication and involvement in many issues that concern the work of the locality and therefore of the State.
Greetings and thanks to Professor Mustafa Al-Sharif, Minister of Information, Culture and Communications. I remember this speech that Dr. Team Omar Qaddour gave us.
We had an excellent meeting with him in Al-Dahmer, Mr. Mustafa Al-Sharif Mobda
To tell the truth, we have encountered it many times, because it is also the creativity of plans, programs and their implementation.
This program, which covered almost all localities, is sufficient to tour the bases and provide support, moral support and supplies to the bases. Greetings and appreciations from respected media.
Mr. Fath al-Rahman Ghattas, Director of the Ministry's Information Department, and tell the truth when you enter Atbara
We dragged our feet to visit and meet Ghattas, as it is the center of truth and blessings of support for the minister and the ministry.
Locality of Shendi, because it is an administratively interconnected reality in all its aspects, the media took care to ensure the presence of all those involved.
I salute the media and culture for these visits, and I greet the executive director of the locality of Shendi, Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, and the day began with a meeting with him and an action on his part. Azraq, Director of the Media and Culture Department of Shendi Locality, who knows how to network and cast well and with perfection, and greets Professor Walid Al-Fahal, the executive office media, the Soudan TV family and the press . , who trusted this. The program is extraordinary and for my honorable family.
Uncle Habib Idris and his daughter Al-Ilham Habib, who is on the same path as a successful media personality, may God protect her, is director of the media department of the culture and information department and editor-in-chief of Shendi magazine, local spokesperson, as a journalist and for the family of Hassan Al-Haddad.
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