Major General Al-Labib visits the wounded of the Battle of Karama in Sennar – Masarib Al-Dhay – ✍️ Dr. Muhammad Tabidi

Paths of light
A personal opinion column written by Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Khader Yaqoub Tabidi
🎯 Major General Al-Labib visits the wounded of the Battle of Karama in Sennar
Where is Hemedti and where is Abdel Rahim Dagalo?
First, our condolences go to the open air, rain, cold, mud and mosquitoes for the death of the leader of the Sennar axis, the Bishish militia and those who perished with him, and shame and shame to all who cooperated with them in destroying this homeland, which will remain proud forever.
When the Rapid Support rebel militia decided to attack Sennar, they did not read the history of Sudan well because their motivations were theft, pillage and rape. Just as all those who thought they would enter Sennar perished before them, they will all perish at the borders. of Funj State, and because those who lead military operations there are strong and trained men who possess the morals of a noble fighter and the ethics of… The great Sudanese and the Sudanese officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers The armed forces throughout history will remain men wherever they live and because their souls are in their hands as a sacrifice for the homeland (and those who settled in the land and faith before them love those who immigrated to them, but they do not find in their hearts does no evil better than what has been given to them, and prefer them to themselves, even if they were in poverty. And he who is saved from his own greed, these are the successful ones.) The citizen testified against them in the In the places where they were, they provided food to the citizens and remained hungry. They were preceded by those who preceded them in gardens as vast as the heavens and the earth like martyrs (Among the believers are men who have been faithful to what they had promised with God, so among them are some whose love is complete, and among them are those who wait, and they have not changed it in any way.) And others My wounds in the white bed, and others clenching the trigger, with their watchful eyes and locked in the noose, responded to the call of Almighty God: “Go out, light and heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of God, this is better for you, if you know it). and because the men of the Sudanese army, security, police, Mustafarin and Al-Baraa Brigades do not move from jihad by themselves in… For the sake of God and the homeland, their first and last concern is defeating the rebellion and the thugs of the terrorist militia Al Dagalo, as well as those who helped them or otherwise, martyrdom It is from his generosity, and they rejoice at the good news of those behind them who did not join them, that there is no (And they do not cry.) The martyrdom of the general commander of the security of the second intelligence and counter-terrorism service, Muhammad Abbas al-Labib, in Sennar was widely reported. Today, al-Labib went to them. , alongside the army and security chiefs, and the governor of Sinnar, inspecting the wounded with dignity to debunk the rumors of the false media of the rebel militia. The appearance of al-Labib raises a question that even my advisers have no answer to. Hemedti, the descendants of Musaylima the liar. Where is the leader of the rapid support militia? Hemedti presents his condolences to their oppressed leaders, and where is his brother Abdul Rahim Dagalo, in order to boost the morale of his soldiers who are living their last days and making accusations among themselves in videos and satellite channels after the lies of their leader's advisers were proven, because they have no reason and because they are committed to destroying Sudan and replacing its people with others, and this will never happen despite the conspiracy of the international community, the United Nations, the African Union and IGAD, and it will not benefit them. The division continued daily between them in all directions, going as far as liquidation or imprisonment under the accusation of spying with the army. exchange of expressions, betrayal, criminalization and belittling of the leaders of the tribes who do not belong to their race, and this has gone as far as stigmatizing professions such as (the deliveryman), and here the part of the type of work applies to them (So you kill yourselves and expel a group of yourselves from their homes, helping them to commit reprehensible acts and by aggression, and if they come to you as captives, you ransom them, although it is forbidden for you to bring them Do you then believe in part in the Scripture, and disbelieve in part? The reward for those of you who do this is only a disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection, they will be made to the maximum. a severe torment, and God is not indifferent to what you do)