Mawlid Wedding…at the Media House – Masarat – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

The General Administration of Culture, Media and Communications in Shindi has established an annual celebration of the birth of Nour al-Huda, may God bless him and grant him peace. It is a celebration that includes the renewal of the covenant and a commitment to peace. righteous approach carried by the Mohammedan message. Whoever follows it will not go astray, whoever sees its virtues will not be blinded, whoever listens to its meanings will not be deaf, and whoever benefits from its guidance will not be unhappy.

The Media Department celebrates this great occasion that the Sudanese people as a whole celebrate in different styles and forms, but they all converge towards (love) for the Master of humanity, the best of creation and progeny, the Perfector of descriptions, the Collector of words, light and guidance of the universe.

The General Administration of Culture and Information in Shindi continues to suffer from the state of (Sufi) attraction that inhabits the entire Sudanese people. This state does not appear only to the director of the administration, Bakri Al-Azraq, and his assistants. but it appears largely among his guests, who represent the leaders of the institutions and their base of men and women, so that one can see the crowd with tears of love flowing from their eyes, there is a nostalgia for the patron saint of the nation, and the same scene is repeated in the many scenes of celebration of the Prophet's birthday.

This year's celebration takes a simplified form in its outward appearance and a deeper form in the depth of its meanings, which were manifested by the numerous and qualitative presence in reference to the greatness of the occasion and in appreciation of its owner, attracted by Sufi tendencies and you see him humming loving praises when he is alone with people, and on his face there is certainty that the whole matter is in the hands of God, so do not be sad, do not get angry, do not rush to the results. , and do not aspire to what is distant or near. If it exists, it will inevitably exist. This Sufi tendency that appears in (Sheikh) Bakri, as Dr. Nasser Muhammad Othman, Deputy Dean of Shendi University, always repeats, is a tendency. extension of a state of (genetic) attraction that extends in a family. (Blue) for thousands of years, even though the succession of generations in the family and the long journey have affected this state of Sufi attraction with a kind of weakness and weakness, except in cases that (afflict) the son or grandson of Azraq at times other than the religious celebrations of this occasion, and its pace increases every time Rabi' al-Awwal arrives. You see that the state of Sufi attraction has reached the (first). ), without any sporting, cultural or media problem in competition that does not change.

Although there is one thing that distinguishes this administration from its counterparts, it is that it organizes religious celebrations and events, whether they take place during Ramadan, Mawlid, the night of Isra' and Miraj, or Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Mawlid. -Adha, with special appreciation, is part of its official programs and reports submitted to the highest authorities at all levels, and in this work, it has surpassed many of its counterparts, even those who are closer to these religious occasions due to their direct responsibilities, this is a point that officially counts for the administration, and many points are popularly counted for it.

The celebration decorated by the media administration was simple in its appearance, but deep in its essence. This is a characteristic of Sufism, which is simplicity, asceticism and distance from luxury. Its hospitality was an expression of the noble hadith. to Ibn Adam (Luqaimat) which strengthened its core.

And in the time of black waters, dates.

So, in the year we gather in the presence of Mustafa, we renew our commitment and commitment to what he brought daily, and his biography will be present among (the people), recalling the greatness of this message and who carried it to him (the people).

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