May history witness the birth of our people (in the Wad Bey Brigades, thanks to full capacity) ✍️ Raja Al-Nuwairi
What we witnessed today and what the eye saw inside the Wad El Bey Brigades is not a reconciliation or amnesty initiative between the Batahin and Ababda tribes, but rather a story that is repeated to speak of the authenticity of a people characterized by its diversity in a homeland context with the proud stature and magnificence of its sons, characterized by tolerance, love, peaceful coexistence and reconciliation among them.
Just as war has its disadvantages, it also has its advantages. The war for dignity in Sudan is an example of some of these virtues. Uniting the ranks of the people and rallying people around their armed forces is also one of these virtues. to civil administrations and using the voice of reason and wisdom are also virtues.
Today's event on reconciliation and amnesty between the Batahin and Ababda tribes takes us back to the glorious history of indigenous administration in Sudan before independence until today, and it has had the greatest honor in managing the affairs of the tribe and individuals, as well as managing the diversity of this country, the continent, east and west, north and south, which was difficult even for the colonizers. Everyone knows the important role played by civil administrations, represented by mayors, councils and sheikhs, in finding amicable solutions to many problems and bridging points of view between conflicting tribes.
Resolve the dispute between them.
Saraya and Dalby, which welcomed crowds and delegations of tribesmen, including mayors, supervisors and sheikhs of Sufi orders.
To attend the ceremony of forgiveness and reconciliation between the two tribes
This is a modern historical scene recorded for civil administrations during the War of Dignity.
Words of thanks and welcome spoken by the assistants and participants in this great national holiday from executive, military and security leaders, representatives of mayors and inspectors, and representatives of mayors and inspectors' courts.
The representatives of the sheikhs of the Sufi orders highlighted and welcomed the efforts made by the civil administrations in solidarity with the regular forces to make this important event a success and their contribution to the dissemination of the spirit of tolerance and love and to the strengthening of societal peace.
Which formed an impregnable fortress
Cohesive to the unity of the social fabric among the tribes against the enemies of the homeland who create conflicts and destabilize the security and stability of the country, appreciating and grateful for the initiative of the Jaalieen leaders.
Under the leadership of the Deputy Superintendent General of the Ja'alians, Muhammad Ibrahim Haj Muhammad and Dalbih, to welcome them for a reconciliation contract, a general amnesty and a meeting between the Batahin and Ababda tribes, to send a strong message to the whole world from the palaces.
This is the Sudanese people's referendum on self-determination, protection of their land, honor and unity with their people.