Meet the money men…. and boycott the governor of the Red Sea State ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

At the kind invitation of the Director of the Red Sea State Governor's Information Office, eminent journalist Mortada Mustafa Karar, I had the honor of attending the meeting which brought together men of Sudanese businessmen and businessmen with the governor of the Red Sea State at his office at the Government Secretariat.

The industry's expert Managing Director, Ahmed Mohamed Taher, excelled in providing a comprehensive and comprehensive presentation of all the economic capabilities and resources the state abounds in, from the riches of the earth and beyond. His presentation was received with satisfaction and great satisfaction. praise from those present.

The governor of the Red Sea State, General Maash Mustafa Mohamed Nour, who chaired the meeting, spoiled the session for us by constantly interrupting the speakers and disrupting their ideas. He was supposed to be satisfied only with the presentation made by the presenter. provided that he trusts him among all employees and selects him to carry out this task.

Let His Excellency General Mustafa Mohamed Nour know that the language of money and business is a completely different language that does not follow instructions nor make them clear and present, Your Excellency.

Thanks to my simple meeting that I attended with the governor of the Red Sea State, General Maash Mustafa Mohamed Nour, he lacks the culture of listening and draws conclusions very hastily without producing results, which constitutes a major problem in leadership personality. .

In my experience with Sudanese businessmen and financiers, they are successful in investing outside Sudan but are unable to invest inside Sudan. So I am not enthusiastic about their work in Port Sudan city.

The Sudanese investor seeks to make high profits and does not pay attention to the development of the community around him, which is clearly evident in the failure to comply with social responsibility funds.

Unfortunately, the Sudanese citizen has great trust in the foreign investor, and the opposite happens to the Sudanese investor when he is outside his country.

Investment in Port Sudan city faces many obstacles, the first being the lack of drinking water, especially during the summer season, in addition to the fluctuation of electric current and other reasons.

The local community has an innate hostility towards any investor, so they don't deal with it at all, and we have many examples that we have witnessed on the ground.

Given the war that the country is experiencing, it is very difficult to talk about or think about incentives for this purpose, and it even becomes impossible.

The President of the Supreme Council of Tourism and Investment, Ms. Samia Oshek, provided valuable additional value, put points on the letters and brought a lot to the participants. I hope that in the periods to come she will have the opportunity to be so. the main speaker, because she is a woman who does not know the impossible.

The governor of the Red Sea State, General Maash Mustafa Mohamed Nour, limited the discussion to only businessmen and businessmen, and deprived journalists present at the meeting of questions and interventions. He repeated this matter for the second and first time. This was by presenting the same media illumination in the presence of the media personalities participating in the press conference.

The governor of the Red Sea State, General Maash Mustafa Mohamed Nour, must be more open to the media and listen to their questions without distress, boredom or preconceived classifications.

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