Mercenaries from the South… in the ranks of the rapid support militia – Beyond the News – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*Evidence of thousands of South Sudanese mercenaries fighting in the ranks of the Rapid Support Militia*

*The government of South Sudan must take concrete measures to reduce this phenomenon and control the entry of its nationals into Sudan*

*The presence of these mercenaries in the ranks of the militias contributes to prolonging the war, disrupting and hindering the continued pumping of oil.*

*The Sudanese people are awaiting a popular campaign from the South to denounce the presence of Southern mercenaries in the ranks of the Rapid Support Militia*

*Our message to the leaders of the South and its government is that we look forward to real measures and decisions to reduce this phenomenon,*

Last April, the Sudanese armed forces announced the capture of a number of South Sudanese mercenaries as part of the battle to liberate the radio and television station. The Sudanese see many South Sudanese fighters deployed to Rapid Support militia bases, particularly those in South Sudan. Khartoum-Madani, and reports indicate the presence of numerous South Sudanese fighters in the villages of Al-Jazeera, East Nile and North Bahri, and Sudanese citizens and activists have posted photos of South Sudanese fighters in various areas alongside the militia. Citizens expressed their contributions and sadness over the involvement of South Sudanese brothers in fighting alongside the Rapid Support Militia, participating with it in committing crimes and violations against the Sudanese people and citizens defenseless, and they remember (with pain) the presence of the citizens. of South Sudan, strengthened and honored in Sudan, at a time when there was heavy fighting between the Sudanese People's Army and the Sudanese Armed Forces, and even after separation, thousands of people from the South preferred to stay in Sudan and lived without discrimination with their brothers in the towns and villages of Sudan in complete safety.

Last April, the spokesperson for the South Sudan People's Defense Forces, General Lul Ruai, declared in press statements in the capital, Juba, that “the People's Army has no links with the “Rather, they are individuals from South Sudan who fought alone as mercenaries,” added the official spokesperson of the People's Defense Forces. South Sudan.

Last February, reports were released by a team of United Nations experts, confirming that the government of South Sudan was unaware of the mercenary activities of its citizens and their fighting in the ranks of the militia of fast support. denied the involvement of some members of the People's Army in smuggling fuel to the Rapid Support Militia,

Undoubtedly, the presence of thousands of South Sudanese mercenaries fighting in the ranks of the rapid support militia requires the government of South Sudan to take concrete measures to limit this phenomenon, control the entry of its nationals into Sudan and determines if they are new. arriving or not, communicating with the sultans and their subordinate rulers, issuing warnings about their legal responsibility and its consequences, and investigating those who returned, in addition to the need to reveal the truth about the presence of mercenaries affiliated with armed groups. movements opposed to the Southern government, and ordering the media to deal with them.

The presence of these mercenaries in the ranks of the militias contributes to prolonging the war, disrupts and prevents the continuation of oil pumping, which goes against the interests of the people of South Sudan and certainly threatens the fraternal relations between the two peoples. and creates future complications in ensuring the continuation of peaceful coexistence after the secession of the South, particularly in the contact zones.

The Sudanese people are awaiting a popular southern campaign to denounce the presence of southern mercenaries in the ranks of the rapid support militia. Southerners are not among the incubators of this militia, and it is not the tradition of southerners to engage in robbery and theft. Furthermore, the presence of these mercenaries threatens security and stability in the south itself.

The people of South Sudan must isolate and expose those who do this, and our message to the leaders of the South and its government is that we look forward to real measures and decisions to curb this phenomenon. This does not conflict with South Sudan's mediation. Southern government to stop the war. This could be an impetus for this mediation.

June 4, 2024 AD

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