Mercenary refugees…! – Behind the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*Mercenaries from Ethiopia, South Sudan and Chad make up the majority of those involved in the fighting alongside the Rapid Support Militia*

*UNHCR remains silent over refugee involvement in fighting alongside Rapid Support Militia*

*The militia worked to recruit and push refugees into the fighting, which is considered another crime among the crimes and human rights violations committed by the militia*

*Participants in the fighting violated the asylum agreement and lost their rights and privileges as refugees*

Yesterday's article, titled (Southern Mercenaries…in the Ranks of Rapid Support Militia), sparked dozens of comments and discussions in various media circles, including what I received in private. It contained additional information about the participation of foreign refugees in fighting alongside us. of the Rapid Support Militia, and reliable information from some Sudanese working in international organizations, national humanitarian organizations or the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, while the information indicated that the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugee Affairs had not failed to comply with the agreement signed in September 2019, between the Government of Sudan, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Government of Sudan, which… This paved the way for the creation of a OHCHR country office in Sudan with a full mandate, including four field offices. its offices in Darfur, Blue Nile, South Kordofan and East Sudan, and OHCHR received the full support of the Government of Sudan to urgently deploy the start-up team to Khartoum, starting in December 2019. The Deputy High Commissioner announced the start of the work. of the Commission with a full mandate.

This agreement was based on reference to the Addis Abab Convention of 1974 and the United Nations Convention of 1951, which clearly stipulated the actions considered as a violation of the right to asylum, including (if the refugee committed a serious ordinary crime) outside the country in which he sought refuge after entering that country as a refugee), or has seriously contravened the aims and objectives of this Convention. The provisions of this Agreement do not apply to any person to whom he has sought. refuge has serious reason to believe that he has committed a crime against peace, a war crime or a crime against humanity as stipulated in international documents established to create provisions relating to such crimes, any refugee has duties towards the country in which he is located which requires in particular that he respects its laws and regulations as well as the measures taken to maintain public order, and also refrain from any subversive activity against any member state of the Organization of African Unity or the United Nations).

Reliable reports have indicated that the vast majority of foreign refugees have not returned voluntarily to their homes and have not sought refuge in other countries. They remained in war zones and joined the Rapid Support Militia through financial incentives. Crimes and violations committed by the militia, and this conflicts with refugee rights, are considered a crime that violates the asylum law and the laws and treaties of the African Union and the United Nations in asylum, while the Government of Sudan has respected its obligations towards. refugees, the rapid support militia exploited the conditions of the refugees and worked to recruit them and push them into combat, which is considered an additional crime and violations by the militia of human rights, in violation of international agreements.

Some experts have noted that after the outbreak of war in April 2023, UNHCR withdrew from caring for thousands of refugees and stopped providing them with services and aid, despite the presence of its offices in Darfur, Blue Nile, South Kordofan and Sudan. eastern Sudan, and at least three offices in the regions. Amna is authorized to work there, and its affiliated organizations have stopped sponsoring its affiliated camps, in addition to refugees outside of the camps under its legal jurisdiction. Among these obligations is the precision of refugees. area of ​​residence and address,

From the above, the refugee situation in Sudan after the war can be described as chaos caused by the failure of the High Commission to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the agreement signed with the Government of Sudan, and its inability to verify refugees turned into mercenaries and whether they were under its jurisdiction or not, notably refugees from Ethiopia and South Sudan, who make up the majority of those involved in the fighting alongside the Rapid Support Militia,

According to the agreement, the Commission must provide clarification on the situation of refugees and the extent of their commitment to the laws of the host country (Sudan), which is one of the conditions that grant them refugee status, especially after the Sudanese government took legal measures to control the foreign presence in the country. The Commission must provide lists of names and addresses of refugees registered under its mandate and conduct investigations into their participation in the war,

June 5, 2024 AD

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