Militia Media Rooms.. Mix fodder with andrin ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*Rapid Support Militia newsrooms found themselves in a position of helplessness, the inability of those who were powerless to support the hand presented to them (distress pills) and fodder mixed with endrin , and no matter how hard these halls tried with their stinking feathers to put the false painting of victory on the ceiling of successive defeats, the destruction of leaders, and the disappearance of the elite of the Dagalo family and their appearance in the Emirates and Europe, and they left people from other tribes. die in a battle that lost all its objectives from day one. The parrots of the militia newsrooms have transformed into stupidly repeating timeworn slogans. The feathers defending the Dagalo family became confused about their affairs, taking into account. account of the reduction in the quantities of fodder supplied to them, which put their morale at its worst*.

*Yesterday the feathers of the militia chambers breathed and spat their poison on the surrendered rapid support commander. They assured the people that Kikel was nothing but a traitor, and they forgot that they had praised him yesterday and called him brave. , intrepid hero who brought down Wad Madani. And we find the same feathers describing him as a traitor, an agent, and the face of misfortune, and they forgot that they had flirted with Kikel and put him in the place of a perfect one. prophet and demigod, today they describe him as an agent and a traitor, and tomorrow they will describe him as a cone and remains*.

*The more the armed forces achieve victory over the militias, the louder the voice of lies in the militia media and the lower the voice of truth within them and the recognition of facts on the ground. What is strange about this case is that. When Jabal Muya was released, the militia media continued to deny Jabal Muya's release until Robot Hemedti's speech, which announced the militia's defeat, silenced them. In a mountain of water, their tongues were silent, their feathers dried up. and they have not provided the slightest justification for their blatant lies, and they have not apologized because they do not know the language of apologies*.

* The militia media has become addicted to lying to the point of becoming, for the reader and follower, liars and unreliable in their information and in all journalistic models in general. It can be said that the armed forces achieved their victories on the ground and defeated the militia. the press rooms, Al-Bayan lifted the pens and dried the newspapers*.

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