Minawi and Hayes Al-Qahata – in fact – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, the lawyer

Hemedti spoke on television the morning of the rebellion

Confident that the battle is won…

He said he was about to arrest Al-Burhan and the others

Who will help him urgently?

He advised him to surrender as soon as possible, otherwise

(They will receive)…

He added: “The proof is that I don’t pray”…

Eyes shone, hearts palpitated, I felt pity

On a homeland between the two poles of my soul…

The rebel told the world about the events…

Things and facts work in his favor…

He only has a little time left…

The reports reach him, the battles are settled…

The army was full of surprise and shock…

Why did the rebel betray his oath of loyalty and position?

Who pushed him to betray and led him towards an inevitable end…

Whoever decorates the war has a guaranteed round of profit…

Who tricked him into receiving the proof.

We saw the terrible scenes and the fire…

Hit and run between the army and the rebellion…

We suffer from disappointment, bitterness and disappointment…

Hemedti and his brother Tatri laughed and said:

Al-Burhan took refuge in the basement and will never come out…

Abdul Rahim came to address Al-Burhan himself

A night..

(Why are you fighting us, Al-Burhan) Question…

Very strange, and he understands why the war…

The person responsible is no more competent than the person asking the question…

So who imposed war on Al-Burhan…

This brings us back to where the shooter started.

The first led us to death…

Why the war and who found the copper to obtain it…

The beginnings and the signs announced rain

Where is the injury and what's more…

The beginning is how the rebellion mobilizes its forces…

In the capital and elsewhere in the United States…

With his attack on Marawi airport to receive…

Bitch putting poison in the big deal

The fateful setting…

If it didn't mean war, they would…

If he hasn't signed, there are other alternatives, they said…

Abdul Rahim's question is very stupid…

He knows the answer and he knows why the war…

People witnessed the facts and details…

Minawi's novel is astonishing and bittersweet…

A reality novel that does not come from heaven

The same zodiac…

The day of the rebellion, at Abdul Rahim's house

Daglo looked at Hayes shady…

The bastards quickly went down and rejoiced…

Their goal is to support the implementation of the rest of the sinister plan…

Victory was on the horizon and Hamidati said it with confidence

(He will receive) the proof…

And power will return to them again…

They are the political wing and the faithful behind…

The proof came out of the cellar with a sponge, with a boot

The result is out…

He went out with a plane invisible to the naked eye

Or did he come out with a flying saucer?

Nobody received it. We saw him praying behind his people…

He seeks to help them in their affliction, to relieve them…

He left and the army increased its resistance to push back and attack…

He regained the initiative, but Babanusa did not fall

Neither Sennar, nor Gedaref, nor Kosti…

Madani and its villages fell, the army did not fall…

Neither Merawi, nor El-Fasher, nor El-Obeid fell…

Hamidati, his true self is absent, so sometimes he walks as if he

The robot sometimes disappears…

His brother is silent, we can't hear him after he shouts

With his threats and threats…

The proof is in place, the lessons are numerous, so take advantage…

The lessons are that America and those who twisted its words

Contrary to his actions…

This Jeddah platform is part of a despicable plan

To bring the nation to its knees…

The strong in war is the one who imposes the conditions

Don't give him orders…

The return of rebellion in any form is an exaggeration

And again the abandonment and the resurrection…

The rebellion has exhausted its opportunities…

Hemedti and his brother then fled into exile

They thought they were clenching their fists…

The ashes fled after the roar of the pitchers

Like Rasheed Saeed and those like him…

Al-Burhan remained faithful to his military uniform…

She became shameless after a failure and changed her skin with progress…

He organizes an imaginary conference described as labor…

Failed, the curse fell on him before it even happened…

They didn't arrest him, they didn't receive him, he came back fighting with

His people are in arms…

After betraying him, conspiring against him and shooting arrows

Betrayal, betrayal and deception against him…

The history book is full of lessons for Caesar

Brutus, his best friend, betrayed him…

His destiny is adversity and desire, led by his people

He wins and heals wounds…

Back when I said the word trust…

We pledged with Al-Burhan to take revenge for the atrocities…

The one who chases us from our homes and wreaks havoc…

He will definitely pay double the price…

As for progress, gentlemen, they send every day…

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