Minawi: We will not allow the dismantling of Sudan and we will not accept a foreign government

Minawi: A large part of those fighting within Rapid Support are affiliated with the Chadian opposition.

Port Sudan: Muhammad Mustafa

The governor of Darfur region affirmed the unity of Sudan, the land and the people, against what he called the new colonialism, indicating that they were working to bring Darfur back into the arms of the homeland, at a time when

Darfur region governor Minni Arko Minawi said they would not be allowed to dismantle Sudan and impose governments at the behest of foreigners. He added: The world must know that we know how to build and protect our country and build our democracy. its own Sudanese form. He added: Our blood will flow for the sake of the unity of the country and the protection of the soil, and that Darfur is an integral part of Sudan and does not need a new draw for the Hawakir. with all the Sudanese people, will work for the unity of the country and preserve its sovereignty. The time has come to restore Darfur and bring it back into the embrace of the country and its institutions, and the people of Darfur must be a supporting force. young people to achieve this.

Minawi said in his speech before the symbols and notables of Darfur in Port Sudan on Saturday that the meeting was aimed at consulting and working jointly with the notables of Darfur to support the efforts of the fighters and preserve the homeland and its unity. , noting that at the beginning of the war we were neutral, but we warned against deviations from state institutions and violations against civilians. We spoke more than once with the leaders of Rapid Support, but after eight months we found only killings. children, theft, violation of human rights and other behaviors – as he said – so we decided, within the framework of the common struggle movements, to go into battle, leave the station of neutrality and fight those who destroyed the infrastructure. They violate sacred values. , and Arco assured us that we are all convinced that victory will come.

Mona stressed that Darfur is present in every inch of Sudan and its sons are fighting in every region of Sudan, and that the battle of Ambar is supposed to be a lesson for the Janjaweed. He added that swords are always armed in any country. We must keep “Hamala” within our borders and we will die for Sudan.

Minawi criticized the comparison of the armed forces with militias and considering them as two parties to the war, saying: This is an illogical comparison. This is a militia that specializes in rape and violated the sanctity of the people of Darfur. creation of the defunct regime that was supposed to rule forever. It is surprising that Minawi equated this militia with the army that represents the state. Minawi said that the ceasefire decision could only be signed with our participation, not between Al-Burhan and Hemedti. only, and any political process must take place after recognizing the unity of the armed forces, otherwise we are all armies.

Below are the humanitarian conditions. Minawi said the poor humanitarian conditions were caused by the rapid support militia, indicating that the very announcement was reasonable because it recognized the exit of the rapid support of civilian goods and that they must leave all homes in all regions. of Sudan. He went on to say that Rapid Support is among many of them belonging to the Chadian opposition and were brought by the Bashir regime to kill the armed movements, and they must return to their country.

Minawi called on the leaders of the big countries to respect Sudan and our historical relations, and if anyone wants something from the country's resources, he should come to us while we are sitting and not use quick support. Unfortunately, you use the. it is the stupidest Sudanese to achieve this, and with him the stupidest people possible, because an ethnic man sells his country.

Arko highlighted the organization and unity of all popular resistance to oppose attempts to colonize the new country, saying: – We have no enemy other than Rapid Support, and this has not nothing to do with the Rizeigat tribe, and I do not think that anyone accuses the tribe of rebellion, and that all Sudanese must be in solidarity with each other and show justice, the principle of responsibility, and not the division of the country's problems, as happened during the crimes in Darfur during the era of deposed President Al-. Bashir.

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