Minister of Health, Governor of the Red Sea and Ambassador of Qatar: Inaugurate free specialized operations at Othman Digna Hospital

Federal Minister of Health: Qatar's support is important and continuous for Sudan.

A Qatari medical team performs delicate surgical operations at Othman Digna Hospital.

Federal Minister of Health Dr. Haitham Muhammad Ibrahim, Governor of Red Sea State Lt. Gen. Mustafa Muhammad Nour, and Director of Health Sector in Red Sea State Dr. Ahlam Abdel Rasoul, Qatari Ambassador to Sudan Ambassador Mohamed Ibrahim Al-Sada and Chairman of the Qatar Red Crescent Society in Sudan, in partnership with Prince Othman Digna Hospital in Port Sudan, to perform surgical procedures in the fields of urology, general urology surgery, pediatric surgery and neurosurgery.

Federal Minister of Health Dr. Haitham Muhammad Ibrahim praised Qatar's continued support to Sudan in the health sector, noting that the Qatari Ambassador to Sudan continued to work with the ministry to prepare medical aid and meet the needs of the health sector.

Haitham commended the Qatari medical team for performing delicate surgeries at Othman Digna Hospital as part of the medical convoys provided by the Qatar Red Crescent Society and the Qatar Fund for Development.

For his part, the Governor of the Red Sea, Lieutenant General Mustafa Muhammad Nour, said that the inauguration of the health convoys of the State of Qatar and its continued support to Sudan during the last period, indicating that the health convoy aims to exchange experiences, and that Qatari interventions in the fields of health and drinking water have had an impact on the stability of medical services in the state.

In the same context, the Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Sudan, Ambassador Mohamed Ibrahim Al-Sada, affirmed Qatar's continued support to Sudan since the beginning of the crisis and meeting the needs of the health sector, indicating that the support included medical and humanitarian support and knowledge of all needs in medicines and medical equipment, adding that the medical team will carry out more than 130 operations in specific specialties.

In this context, the Director General of the Health Sector of the Red Sea State, Dr. Ahlam Abdul Rasoul said that it is not surprising that Qatar has provided continuous support to Sudan since the beginning of the war, stressing that the Red Sea State bears the burden of providing medical services to patients coming from different states of Sudan.

In the same context, the head of the Qatar Red Crescent office in Sudan, Dr. Salah Al-Daak said that these operations are part of the

A multi-specialty general surgery convoy cleaned by the Qatar Red Crescent with the participation of a number of doctors from the State of Qatar and Sudan. He added that the convoy targets (130 patients) in a number of specialized surgeries, explaining that the convoy. the plan will continue to include Atbara and Kassala.

For his part, Urology Consultant and Head of the Qatari Surgeons Delegation, Dr. Abdullah Al-Naimi said that the convoy includes a surgical workshop to exchange experiences between specialists from Sudan and the Qatar Development Bank.

For his part, Dr. praised Muhammad Kamal, Director General of Prince Othman Digna Hospital, in partnership with the Qatar Red Crescent Society and the Qatar Fund for Development, expressing his hope that the partnership will expand to include aspects of supporting the provision of consumables and the complex of operations and emergencies. He added that next week, general surgery operations will be performed for a number of (60 patients), followed by pediatric surgery as well as brain and nerve surgery.

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