Minister of Health Inaugurates MRI Department at Atbara Hospital: Providing diagnostic and therapeutic services in safe states is a common goal between the Federal Ministry of Health and the Benoti Company.

Atbara: Zool Net
Federal Minister of Health, Dr. Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim, will inaugurate the new magnetic resonance imaging machine at Atbara Hospital tomorrow, Sunday, as part of efforts to localize treatment at home and expand the reach advanced diagnostic services in safe states. The device was supplied and installed by the company Benoti Multi-Activities, which works in coordination with the Ministry of Health to meet medical needs in safe states.
Future plans to expand services:
Engineer Hossam Abdel Rahman, Projects Director at Benoti Company, said in press releases that the company has supplied and operated an MRI machine at Atbara Hospital and will soon install similar machines at Port Sudan and Gedaref. Hossam pointed out that the Benoti company, in the post-war period, operated CT machines in the cities of Abu Hamad and Port Sudan and supplied additional CT machines to Atbara and Shendi, in addition to providing two cardiac catheterization machines in Port Sudan. and Dongola hospitals.
Current equipment:
Engineer Hossam confirmed that all of these vital devices will be operational shortly after the necessary sites are completed. This step is part of a strategic plan to provide the latest diagnostic and therapeutic technologies in safe states, as Benuti, the agent of the German company Siemens, plays a major role in the supply and operation advanced devices such as magnetic resonance imaging, CT scans. , cardiac catheterization and simple x-rays.
Strategic partnerships and continuity of service delivery:
Benoti Company for Multi-Activities is the exclusive agent of several large international companies, including the German Siemens for medical devices, the American Varian specializing in radiotherapy devices for oncology, the German Friesense for dialysis, the Japanese Fuji for gastrointestinal endoscopes, the German Qantaq for surgical and intensive care devices, and the Korean Biosensor in the laboratory field.
In light of the challenges imposed by the war, the Benoti Company continued to provide dialysis solutions to safe states and ensure continued preventive maintenance and technical support for radiotherapy machines at Meroe Medical City, the only center remaining to provide these services in Sudan. The company is also helping to bridge the diagnostic and therapeutic gap resulting from the failure of Khartoum and Gezira states to provide these services, by supplying and operating MRI, CT and cardiac catheterization machines in states safe.