Misseriya Society… Lenient with the Authority of Customs and the Political Judicial System ✍️ Muhammad Qur Hamid

It is already known that the structure of the indigenous administration is intellectually based on the sum of values, traditions and customs that govern the tribe. It is equivalent to customary law that governs the behavior of individuals within the tribe. less important than man-made laws. It is always ratified in the constitutions of multi-ethnic countries and Sudan … Sometimes the customary legal rules of the Misseriya community, in terms of adherence by individuals. , become stronger than the situation. Indeed, this is related to the morals and behavior of the tribe, the departure of which is considered a defect that people fear more than imprisonment and other things. However, according to current data, the civil administration as a structure exists as a structure. value system … but – for a number of factors – it loses its influence on the members of its society. The political system is at the time of former President Omar Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir subject to the customs of the tribes. their customary rules, to carry the political culture of the organization… and the princes became in the position of ministers… Then, after the fall of the theocratic state and the entry of the country into a war with tribal tendencies, the indigenous administration Martial law was no longer able to adapt its laws for a generation that considered it a political legacy of a regime against which it fought. This is what structurally weakened the civil administration and replaced the promulgation of binding laws.

What may have made matters worse is that some princes adopted a military agenda, which caused a division in decision-making within civil administrations, affecting members of their communities. They deviated from these laws because of these historical imperatives.

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