Mobile promotional campaign for Aseel Holding Group products…entry of biscuit products into the markets…

🟢 Aseel Holding Group product promotional campaign tour is considered as an important event that invests in launching new products in the market.

🟢 The campaign aims to create awareness about Aseel (Nice) and (Glucose) Aseel biscuits products in line with modern marketing strategies. The timing of the tour has been carefully chosen to enhance consumer interaction and improve the shopping experience.

🟢 This event reflects Aseel Holding Group's commitment to providing high-quality products that meet market needs.

The campaign seeks to achieve a set of strategic objectives. The first is to raise awareness of the new products.

🟢 It also aims to build a strong relationship with consumers and improve communication with them. This is in addition to improving the distribution system and increasing sales in general.

🟢 The timing of the tour was determined to be in line with the real needs of the current market. This tour comes at a critical time as the local market is facing increasing competition.

🟢 Through this campaign, Aseel Holding Group seeks to take advantage of this momentum to increase its market share. For this reason, the timing of the campaign is a crucial element in achieving the desired success.

🟢 Aseel Holding Group has carefully selected the sites to ensure reaching its target audience.

🟢 The tour locations were determined based on careful feasibility studies of market needs. As these locations are characterized by high traffic, the campaign enhances the possibility of communicating directly with consumers. The strategic location also offers the ideal conditions for directly exhibiting and discovering the products.

🟢 Aseel has a professional press office capable of organizing and promoting campaigns to ensure their success. The office presented a comprehensive strategy including advertising, marketing and communication with partners.

🟢 The professional organization has helped provide a solid platform for promoting new products.

🟢 These efforts complement Aseel Holding Group's vision to effectively market its products in the local market.

To give the campaign an attractive character, a group of famous personalities participated.

Among them were the expert and great director Imam Hassan Imam, the star Ali Warta and the freedman Ahmed Al-Taweel. The presence of these stars added a distinctive character to the tour and encouraged the audience to interact and participate. These partnerships are a strategic step to expand the reach and appeal of the Aseel Holding brand.

🟢 Aseel Holding Group strives to communicate its message clearly and profoundly. The message is summed up in the quality of the products and the company's interest in its customers.

🟢 The group also focuses on innovation and excellence in the agri-food industry. With this message, Aseel Holding hopes to build a solid reputation in the market.

To add a festive atmosphere, the tour includes many attractions to attract customers and increase sales.

🟢Gifts provide an opportunity to create positive consumer experiences and build brand loyalty. It is also part of the strategy to promote positive interaction with the audience.

The campaign is expected to last a full week, with extensive media coverage efforts. The media office will cover all campaign activities aimed at raising awareness and increasing participation. The media presence will also enhance the group's credibility with the public.

🟢 Aseel Holding Group is looking to ensure its message reaches as many consumers as possible during this time.

🟢 The promotional tour represents an important opportunity to strengthen Aseel Holding Group's presence in the market. Through careful organization and effective communication with the public, the company seeks to achieve tangible success.

🟢 Their interest in providing high quality products and their initiative to interact with consumers reflect their strong commitment in this area.

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