Moment of Truth: It's Time to Act to Save Sudan's Environment – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

This year, World Environment Day is marked with the slogan “The Moment of Truth on Climate Action” to remind us all of the gravity of the existential environmental crisis facing our planet and the decisive role we must play in protecting our future and that of future generations.

Sudan faces serious environmental problems, exacerbated by the conflicts and wars that ravage the country. The recent civil war caused enormous damage to infrastructure and displaced millions of people, exacerbating the problems of desertification, drought and biodiversity loss. Sudan suffers greatly from the problem of desertification and drought, as the desert covers about two-thirds of the country's land area, and this problem is worsened by climate change, which threatens food security and negatively affects the lives of millions of people.

Sudan also suffers from pollution problems, especially air and water pollution. Waste burning is widespread, causing harmful emissions that pollute the air and affect human health. River banks and waterways also suffer from pollution from industrial and agricultural waste.

Sudan is suffering from a loss of biodiversity. Sudan is home to many rare species of animals and plants, but due to poaching and destruction of natural habitats, many of these species are at risk of extinction.

Environmental media play a central role in raising environmental awareness and promoting a culture of environmental protection. By raising awareness of the importance of the environment and the dangers of the challenges it faces, we can mobilize popular and community support for environmental protection efforts.

Non-governmental organizations and civil society institutions play a vital role in environmental protection in Sudan, as these organizations implement numerous projects and programs aimed at combating desertification, drought and pollution and protecting biodiversity.

One possible solution to environmental challenges is afforestation. Planting trees helps combat desertification and drought, improve air quality and protect biodiversity. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, can be used to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Through awareness of the importance of the environment and the dangers of the challenges it faces, it is possible to change individual and societal behaviors and strengthen the culture of environmental protection, and through international cooperation with countries and international institutions, it is possible to benefit from expertise and advanced technology to protect the environment in Sudan.

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