Mubarak Al-Bilal is a unique journalistic encyclopedia – The Blue Jewel – ✍️ Dear Al-Khair

Misfortunes and calamities are a test for the servant and a sign of God's love for him. Because it is like medicine, even if it is bitter, you give it to the one you love despite its bitterness – and in the authentic hadith: (The greatness of the reward comes with the greatness of the affliction, and if God Almighty loves a people, He tests them. Whoever is pleased, for him is contentment, and whoever is displeased, for him is anger).

These days, he is in Egypt to continue his treatment after the forced exit from Sudan, as is the case with millions of Sudanese, my dear brother, friend and lover, Mubarak Al-Bilal… the general director of Al-Dar newspaper… the most widely distributed, widely circulated and widely followed newspaper by different sectors of society before the outbreak of the war…

Dear brother Mubarak Al-Bilal, after a long course of treatment, everyone expected that this would be the end of the hero and that he would stop writing and stay away from the journalistic career, but the will was great and great within brother Mubarak Al-Bilal. Bilal, despite the consensus of doctors that the cure rate was very low, but Mubarak Al-Bilal continued his life normally. Despite the difficulties, he continued to go to the office in a wheelchair with a strong and unwavering determination, and little by little he managed to go to the office in a wheelchair. began to walk on a cane and carry out his work with all the enviable courage, determination and will. Mubarak continued day and night for the comfort of the readers and to continue to be at the forefront, as the continuation of Al Dar newspaper at the top. was not… It is an easy matter… This summit is the natural result of the efforts of this man and the pillars of his ladder… Everyone works diligently as a single work team, and despite the illness, Brother Mubarak continued the work with the same determination and determination and continued to follow himself as the first and more, and this continuous fatigue was one of the reasons

Illness… this profession is a profession of troubles and difficulties. Greetings to all journalists and all journalists of my country… Oh my God, protect them all.

I remember when Brother Mubarak first fell ill, years ago… The last conversation I had with my friend Mubarak Al-Bilal was a few hours before his illness, when we were talking on the phone, and I do not exempt the phone, the many calls and the many phone conversations from the reasons that cause many sudden illnesses.

The calls between us were continuous, about his salary, on the phone and via WhatsApp… Brother Mubarak would tell me about his admiration for what I wrote and he would always encourage me in the presence of the late beloved brother Abu Hurairah Hussein. He published my column more than once instead of his daily column, and this was the greatest honor and appreciation from this honest human being… We have collected many wonderful situations that proved to me that this man is a precious and authentic metal, and I will return to these situations with Haitham Kabo, Abdul Majid, Abu Hurairah, Lieutenant General Taha, the Cardinal, Al-Khandawi, the late Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, Jamal Farfour, and many other wonderful situations that need to be documented. Trust us, O beloved Wad Al-Bilal… We awarded him the title of the most influential personality years ago. From the Hand in the Country organization, he is still the most influential personality to this day… He has a different and rare charisma.

Brother Mubarak, brother and friend, is a cheerful and kind person who greets you with a smile and communicates with everyone. He is characterized by high morality, good conduct and purity of soul… a pure, generous and genuine person… who respects everyone, loves to help everyone, is frank in his opinion and does not fear anyone's blame in truth… he works with all sincerity and dedication… he devotes himself to journalism and happiness. Readers, and putting the house first is a huge and great effort… Brother Mubarak finds the love of everyone, thousands of fans, readers, the press tribe and all sportsmen, especially Al-Hilalab, people of art and culture, people of Sufi orders, sheikhs, all wanderers and khalawi students, who are loved by all colors of the political and sports spectrum, and all segments of society… Brother Mubarak Al-Bilal continued to participate and document many Sudanese. community news.

Mubarak Al-Bilal is a unique journalistic encyclopedia, despite the conditions of illness and war. He carries the concerns of Sudan, the poor and the oppressed. He supports every oppressed person and stands with every weak person. in need…

We pray to Almighty God to preserve our brother Mubarak and grant him the blessing of health and well-being…

A sincere invitation from the heart to a faithful friend.

Dear God


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