Mubarak Al-Fadil (Don't Be Fooled) – A Whale's Spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

* Mubarak Al-Fadil, the grandson of Muhammad Ahmed Al-Fahal, has been looking for a political foothold since he was expelled from the General Command sit-in square in 2019, and he is looking for an opportunity to return him to the theater and the political scene in person and not his party, the Umma Party, Mubarak’s wing. Yesterday, Mubarak Al-Fadil spoke out against us with a new lie, he advised Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan to seek help. Mubarak al-Fadil’s statement came after Lieutenant General Kamal Abdel Maarouf returned to Port Sudan in recent days, and it is a rejected and unreliable speech because Mubarak himself is present. just a politician who is not qualified to play a role in public life in Sudan in this period or in the post-war period*.

* The seconds will consume the life of time and the war will end, no matter how long it lasts, but there will be no room for conscious opportunism, opportunism that was raised to lick the race of the poor of the Sudanese people with imaginary ideas. titles in the name of families, families and obsolete beliefs that have been consumed by time and time, Sudan will be very different, and despite the scourges of war, the revolution of awareness and the high rates of education among the components of the people. the way for all those who try to climb on the shoulders of the Sudanese people to achieve a constitutional position in order to enjoy it at the expense of the people and to practice religious and family condescension towards others. Therefore, citizenship must be the basis of rights. and duties, and the citizen must derive his status from what he offers to his country through his life path, and not from what his ancestors brought him, even if it is different*.

*If conscious opportunism has a title, Mubarak Al-Fadil could be its standard-bearer. Everyone testifies that Mubarak Al-Fadil was the first of the opposing forces to be courted by the National Congress and to be presented there. the (enlarged) chambers were held, and after spending their political time with him, he was appointed minister, the National Congress participated and the councils spoke. The conference said that Mubarak had asked one of the bailout ministers about the oil money. and the minister answered him with arrogance, arrogance and arrogance, saying (the oil sharks bought us cheap money with them). The one who asked was astonished, then Mubarak pledged to implement what was dictated to him by the National Conference, and). He received the award secretly and openly, and the facade of his party on the Municipality Street remained only a sign for personal interests, starting with Abu Al-Fadil for the furniture and other objects under the table*.

*If we assume, for the sake of argument, that Mubarak Al-Fadil advised Al-Burhan to seek help from the veteran commanders of the army to participate in the War of Dignity, then Mubarak would have lost his relationship with the current leadership of the army. If the veteran officers were sought, it is certain that he will have among them acquaintances who will become a lever to allow him to access the decision-making platform, and perhaps there will be some among them who will believe in the old nonsense and allow him to play another role, or at least allow him to work in business under the aegis and protection of entities known to the veteran officers whom Al-Burhan will seek help from if he listens to Mubarak Al-Fadil's advice, which he tweeted and forwarded on social media*.

Half a fork

*Mubarak Al-Fadil, you are a politician without greed, without smell and without color. Your color is a chameleon, and even the history of your ancestors has become a forged history, and your grandfather, Muhammad Ahmad Al-Fahl, is not the expected Mahdi, and history does not judge. What you took from Sudan during the years of wandering and ignorance is enough for you.

A quarter of a fork

*Mubarak Al-Fadil: You can fool the leaders some of the time, but you cannot fool them all the time.

(email protected)

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