Mug_Zara or Thorn – Whale Thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*Umm Shouka village is located on the west bank of the Blue Nile, north of the town of Sinja, the capital of Sennar State. It is one of the administrative units that make up the majority of administrations in the locality of Sinja. the population of Umm Shouka is made up of Hausa, Fallata and other tribal groups. It can be said that Umm Shouka is considered one of the areas of sugarcane and fishing production in addition to rain-fed and irrigated agriculture, like large areas of Umm. Shouka lands are located in the Blue Nile agricultural projects and Umm Shouka is considered a source of income for the local Sinja treasury. The village of Umm Shouka was invaded by the Rapid Support Militia on Saturday 06/29/2024, like most of the residents. occupied areas of Sennar State, and numerous lootings and thefts were committed by the militia and some “incubators” in the region*.

*A month ago, an armed conflict took place between two factions of the Rapid Support Militia. This conflict has a tribal character within the militia army. The death toll of the two factions has reached twelve. Factions took place with a group of mercenaries from South Sudan, and this group committed a number of violations against the citizens of the village of Umm Shouka. Thus, the residents of Umm Shouka fell at the mercy of a number of people from the Rapid Support Militia. The village of Umm Shouka was recruited for the Rapid Support Militia. Meanwhile, some nurseries committed tribal violations against the people of Umm Shouka, while looting and theft continued*.

*On Friday 10/19/2024, a group of Rapid Support Militia attacked the village of Umm Shouka during Friday prayers, killing seven citizens and injuring dozens. Then the militia attacked mourners in cemeteries and killed a group of them. as Umm Shouka witnessed yesterday, Monday 21/10/2024, a major attack by the Rapid Support Militia claimed the lives of more than 120 martyrs and a large number of wounded and injured citizens of Umm Shouka, including entire families. at the side of the road and were not buried*.

*Last night, there were significant cases of displacement from the village of Umm Shouka, some of whom came from crossing the Blue Nile to the east, and some of them scattered among the villages in search of lost security since Umm Shouka is located. In Rapid Support's zone of control, there is no solution to this crisis except by liberating the town of Sinja from Rapid Support militias. Then the violations will continue, the looting and looting will continue, the rape operations will continue, and the violence will continue. The common denominator between all areas controlled by Rapid Support will remain the same practices and violations*.

Half a fork

*The narrower the militia siege circles, the more violations will be committed against defenseless innocents, with the aim of pressuring the armed forces to halt their progress towards the liberation of Sinja, and citizens will be at the mercy of the militias until the armed forces complete the liberation operations.*

A quarter of a fork

*May God accept all the martyrs of the battle of Karama and may God accept the martyrs of the village of Umm Shouka*.

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