Museveni is the puppet of the West and Zionism (1) of (2) – In reality – ✍️ Yasser Zain Al-Abidin, the lawyer

The African Peace and Security Council announced that

I'm sticking to a map I prepared…

A roadmap to resolve the current crisis in the country…

His arguments are poorly prepared, trivial in meaning and misleading…

Ceasefire, demilitarization of the capital…

The army is disarmed despite its legitimacy

Which allows him to carry weapons…

All constitutions grant this right to armies…

To preserve the unity of the country and prevent it from being torn apart…

They talked about both sides of a conflict, not the aggressor

And attacked him…

The perpetrator was rewarded for his brutal attack

Despite the coup d'état which stripped it of its legitimacy…

With the withdrawal, security is disrupted in the face of UN forces…

Remove the army and the rebellion from the capital…

Being fifty kilometers away…

The crucial question in this context…

If a war breaks out in a country between one faction

Rebels against the army, are they equal?

The army is asked to leave its barracks…

Or is it better that the rebels be driven out and punished?

These are unbalanced and arbitrary imbalances…

Narrow interests made this understanding possible…

The pretext of humanitarian conditions is a dangerous lie.

Because it is a gateway to penetrate national security…

Similar experiences clearly indicate this…

It was a disaster for the countries that accepted it…

Involve the police in securing public facilities.

Can you insure yourself in this critical circumstance?

They burned down and destroyed his headquarters, stole his cars…

Its cadres were scattered and completely absent from the scene…

It also requires a period of rehabilitation to return…

It's crazy to insist on this point…

The council got what it wanted on that last point…

Start a political process to resolve the crisis…

They held him and brought him to the current crisis…

They supported the political parties to face the events…

During which they adopted a constitution and an agreement that does not represent us…

On the surface it is mercy, inside it is serious torment…

They drew up the final plan for our country with a little immorality…

Thanks to their representatives sent to facilitate negotiations.

For a political process run by puppet parties…

He was rejected by the vast majority of the people…

Gentlemen, we must understand that…

Structuring the army to make it disappear from the scene…

Hitting its structure, weakening it and eliminating it…

They gave the rebellion ten years to integrate…

To qualify, strengthen and arm yourself more and more powerfully…

With quality weapons to increase your combat capabilities…

Become a strike force in equipment and equipment…

After the December Revolution, his efforts accelerated…

He thought he could conquer and defeat the army…

He cut his throat to carry out a pre-prepared plan…

Remain isolated, without will or ability, mute…

The military is deeply rooted in history…

His determination is strong. He may get sick, but he won't die…

He has no determination, his loyalty exceeds requirements…

History is written with a mole like the mountains.

Its radiance and its glow penetrate the distances…

He will not let down a people who wish for him and hope for his hope…

She misses him every time the sun rises early…

Museveni, son of imperialism, servant

Zionism is visible there…

His meeting with the ambassadors indicates a conspiracy…

He is the head of a committee authorized by the Union

The African to collect evidence and the rebel…

We continue

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