Nairobi Declaration.. Les Misérables – Beyond the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*The Nairobi Declaration sets the conditions and obstacles for the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue and the holding of the Constitutional Conference*

*The signatories of the Nairobi Declaration, in all conscience, vetoed the desire of the Sudanese people to agree on a permanent constitution.

*This approach will encourage other forces to become more extremist and work to organize their own “round table”*

*All definitions of the authority of the Constitutional Conference describe it as its own master, agreeing on the controversial agenda*

*The most important principles of the peaceful transfer of power are the submission of the minority to the opinion of the majority and the respect of the minority for the opinion of the majority and the result of the electoral process*

Although the text in the media suggested that the signature was tripartite, and perhaps it was, I saw two copies, one of which was signed between Dr. Hamdok, in his capacity as former Prime Minister, and Abdul Wahid, leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement, the same copy was also signed by Abdul Wahid and Abdul Aziz al-Hilu. The two identical statements read: “Establish a federal democratic civil.” government in Sudan that guarantees the establishment of a civil state and the fair and equal participation of all citizens in power. » And wealth, guaranteeing freedom of religion and thought, ensuring the separation of cultural, ethnic, religious and regional identities from the state, establishing a secular and non-aligned state that stands at the same distance from religions, identities and cultures, recognizes diversity and expresses all its components with equality and justice. In case these principles are not included in the permanent constitution, the people of Sudan. have the right to exercise the right to self-determination, by organizing a round table in which all national forces who believe in these principles included in this declaration participate,

I am not interested, at this time, in evaluating the statement or determining a position on it. I only noticed that the signatories of the declaration, after deciding alone on an agenda that concerns all the Sudanese people, set a strange goal. condition to adhere to what the declaration decided and what the text says (and in the event that these principles are not included in the permanent Constitution: The Sudanese people have the right to exercise their right to self-determination. This reveals to a large extent that the roots of the crisis in our country are summed up in the misery and imagination of those who manage the crisis Whoever wrote the declaration cannot ignore the term (permanent constitution), and why it is used. called permanent constitution. And how is it approved? What is worse is to organize a round table in which all the national forces who believe in the principles contained in this Declaration participate. round table for all the forces who believe in the principles of the Declaration? The round table brings together those who differ, no.

The most important principles of democratic transformation and peaceful transfer of power are the submission of the minority to the opinion of the majority and the respect of the minority for the opinion of the majority and the result of the process electoral. that all Sudanese forces, including the Abdel Wahid and Al-Hilu movements, have repeatedly affirmed their commitment to the Constitutional Conference as a mechanism representing all the Sudanese people. It is surprising that the round table is limited to the forces (that believe) in the Nairobi Declaration, and the permanent constitution is rejected if it does not include this declaration. As a result, the signatories of the declaration set conditions and obstacles for the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue and the holding of the Constitutional Conference, which is the only possible path. to reach consensus or agreement on the permanent constitution to which the people of Sudan refer.

The signatories of the Nairobi Declaration, in all conscience, veto the will of the Sudanese people if they agree on a permanent constitution, ignoring that all the constitutions of the world define the people as “power holders” and the delegate through elections, or by consensus, which is possible thanks to consensus, which is the case. Perhaps the war left no other way to resume the political process, or perhaps to agree on (supra-constitutional) principles to resolve specific regional problems, or those related to them. to the similarity or difference of levels of government.

All definitions of the authority of the Constitutional Conference describe it as being its own master, in agreeing on the controversial agenda and determining the mechanisms and methods of agreement thereon, and no one rejects that the conditions of the Nairobi Declaration are part of it. the agenda, including (secularism), or the so-called (relationship) between religion and the state, and it is possible that the self-determination of any region or territory will be included in the dialogue . (peoples) of which the declaration spoke, with clarity of the (reliable) mechanisms by which this opinion can be confirmed.

The Nairobi Declaration, without detour or detour, once again confirms that the Sudanese national forces and the fighting movements are completely far from finding an approach to dialogue and agreeing to end the war and engage in the re-establishment of the Sudanese state and the reconstruction of what was destroyed. by war. What was stated in the declaration raises the ceilings, at a time when agreement on the minimum is necessary, this approach will encourage other forces to become stricter and work to hold their own “round table” and “no” . one is better than the other,” and go to another announcement, and there is no consolation for the Sudanese people.

May 19, 2024 AD

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