National firmness in the face of the evil plan – sharing is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I send a patriotic salute to all the people of my patriotic country, who have stood as an impenetrable barrier against the evil plan that has been hatched to destroy our homeland, Sudan, and who are still steadfast on the embers of the issue . their determination that will not be defeated, no matter how serious the calamities and tribulations befall them, their comfort is the cleanliness of the homeland from the filth of labor and rebellion, so that the land of Sudan can become good and pure again .

The evil plan is colored like a chameleon, but every deception and evil within it is exposed and eliminated.

This plan began since the advent of the December Revolution, which was the first threshold of peace to implement the program of tearing the nation apart, disintegrating its land and erasing the identity of its people . Then the conspiracy continued, and perhaps the last thing. they planned their framework agreement, which they threatened to break, and if it was not implemented, war would break out.

They started the fire and these were violations and practices that we had only heard about before Pharaoh and the Tatars were displaced from their homes, their property was plundered, their honor was violated and their lives were lost. did not stop there, but the infrastructure was destroyed and the hospitals were occupied, even the midwives.

A war in which I want to destroy Sudan so that it becomes an easily digestible piece until it is divided into powerless states and erases its identity, causing a demographic change in its territory to facilitate the plundering of its wealth and of its resources.

After the failure of the war plan that they launched to destroy social cohesion and sow the seeds of discord and discord between the components of society, until this war turns into a civil war that will not last not and will only stop when the matter is resolved. clear to them and they can do what they want.

No matter what, as long as the people and men of the country rolled up their sleeves and participated in the initial and advanced training camps with determination and determination, so that the slogan of “one army, one people” could be realized.

We now thought that after the end of the Maidan war, she would return

The situation quickly returned to normal, but as we follow, a new external war began to occur, represented by the increased inflation of the media machine and speculation in the currency market, causing the collapse of the Sudanese economy. war government and deal decisively in economic affairs with very dissuasive sanctions and implement them in public squares, especially opportunistic black market traders. Crises and free currency traders.

The current situation does not allow us to turn a blind eye. The media war intensified and the economic war began. There is therefore no discussion without determination and determination.

Free the hands of our usual agencies, in particular the Security and Intelligence Service, because they are competent and have perfect knowledge of the economic file.

We ask God to preserve the safety and security of our country and its people, to grant victory to our army, our regular forces and the mujahideen, to accept the martyrs, to heal the wounded, to release the captives of the prisoners and to return the missing safe and sound, O Lord of the Worlds.

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