Negotiate for God, O Mohsenin – the share is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I extend a national greeting to all my compatriots who oppose the greatest external conspiracy plan against Sudan, which is unfolding every morning. The strings of those who pull the puppets and tools of the Hemedti rebel militia and the agents are spies of the shameless embassies. supporting them in a war that has destroyed everything except the dignity and pride of the Sudanese nation.

After the Sudanese people, with their armed forces and our regular agencies, courageously fought the battle for dignity, and those who hatched the plan of global evil and their supporters, the slaves of the dirham and the dollar, failed to achieve their goals of destroying Sudan and erasing its identity while plundering its wealth and dividing it into states subject to the new global colonialism.

They have undertaken a series of negotiations, hoping to obtain through them what was not obtained through arms, but in everything that has happened so far, they have shown arrogance and condescension according to conditions that serve their interests and return the rebellious and impudent militias to the Sudanese scene.

Perhaps the last direct appearance of America has led the foreign slaves to think that the Sudanese will submit and kneel in fear and awe of the lady of the world, but they do not know that the Sudan and its people fear only God and will act in accordance with the greatest interest of the country.

Today in the world there are two camps, the East and the West, so the unilateral control by imposing force has fallen. It is clear from all previous experiences and future visions that the Eastern alliance works according to what it is and what it gives and not according to what it gives. takes without response like the West. As a result, the Third World and African countries, which are oppressed by the oppressive Western world, will work according to their interests, and this has been clearly demonstrated in the revolutions of change that have swept through a number of African countries with regime change subjected to Western policies that have sucked the wealth and resources out of their countries, making them live in abject poverty, ignorance and disease.

Today, Sudan, despite all the bitterness and tragedy of the war that has broken out on its country, has emerged as a strong and proud rebel, prompting America to seek a direct confrontation with it after the failure of the mission's agents and mediators.

America wanted to impose its prestige by inviting Geneva, which had preceded it by meeting in Jeddah, but we did not respond, and now it is waiting for the Cairo meeting, which has been postponed indefinitely.

Among all these negotiations that have taken place and should take place, Qaht and his rebel militia are looking for laxatives through facilitators for the state of constipation that has struck them, and now they have reached the stage of (negotiations for the love of God, oh good people). Even Tower has declared that they are ready to negotiate in El Fasher.

From here we say to this tower that Fasher al-Sultan is against you in war and peace, and after the sacrifices made by the people, the army and the common people of the Sultan's land, we will not allow filth and dirt to exist in his pure land.

Sudan has decided, as a people and an army, that there is no place for a traitorous militia or agent on its good land, which has been watered and soaked with the pure blood of the martyrs. We have promised with them that we will continue your march and protect the soil of our homeland.

Tomorrow, the sun of victory will rise with the liberation of every inch desecrated by the terrorist Dagalo militia and its collaborators, shameless agents and embassy spies, so that joy will spread inside and outside the country, God willing.

O my God, grant victory to our armed forces, our valiant regular services and the sacrificial mujahideen. Accept the martyrs, heal the prisoners, return the missing safe and sound, O Lord of the worlds.

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