Negotiating Pride or Submission – Sharing is a Homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I extend a national greeting to all my compatriots who have clear positions in protecting the homeland and the dignity of its people, which constitute a protective shield against the implementation of the global evil plan aimed at destroying and tearing Sudan into helpless states.

Shouting insults at the Dagalo terrorist militia and the shameless agents of the embassy spies for their hopes of seeking a strike, the government's agreement to meet the Americans in Jeddah is the first step of submission and capitulation, going to Geneva until they return to Jeddah. the post-war scene to complete the implementation of the program set for them.

They believed that Jeddah was opening the way for them to return to Geneva, despite all the violations and inhumane practices committed against the Sudanese people.

They thought, and some suspicions were a sin, that America would impose what it wanted, which was certainly what served its interests according to its foreign policy developed for implementation, whether a Republican or a Democrat was in power. The leaders of the Soviet Union said at the time, when he was informed of the victory of so-and-so over Allan in the American elections, that he said: “Is there a difference between Did you wear shoes ???

America does not care about the interest of the Sudanese people or stopping the war, but rather its interest in the first place, which depends on fueling a conflict and leading it to negotiations leading to a transition period and a humiliating government that divides Sudan into states, according to the study published on this subject.

The government's adherence to the implementation of the Jeddah results is the crux of the saw that will prompt America and its allies to try to enter through another channel so that there can be negotiations in any way to achieve their intended goal.

Now it is the turn of the Sudanese street to face a fierce campaign in which all weapons, legal and illegal, will be used. This is of course not a war on the battlefield that will continue despite the huge losses it entails. are media, economic and societal methods that must be paid attention to and caution must be exercised in forming circles led by highly professional people with a high sense of patriotism, because what is coming is the stage of breaking bones. we will emerge victorious, God willing

The negotiation gains legitimacy, and of course, neither the barbaric Hemedti militia nor the impudent agents of the embassy deserve to gain legitimacy, and before that, to bring them back to life. They breathed their last for those of them who perished, and those who are alive. following their path.

We have repeatedly said that any negotiation that affects the national sovereignty, dignity and pride of the Sudanese nation has no desire for the Sudanese people, and this is clearly evident through the great popular support that our armed forces and regular agencies find in the battle of dignity and the demand for its resolution and the elimination of the last impudent Janjaweed, his assistant.

They had high hopes of seizing El Fasher as a powerful lever in the negotiations, but they were disappointed and perished at the Sultan's gates of Fasher.

Whoever deliberately destroys the infrastructure of Al-Dayat Hospital as a model and continues the heinous violations and practices and attempts to enter the miserable El Fasher are signs that the perpetrator does not wish to negotiate and make peace, so we must continue to cleanse all parts of the country from this filth and filth.

There is no negotiation in the face of the violations that the Hemeti terrorist militia persists in committing, even if the entire world unites against us.

Either we negotiate with pride and dignity while restoring rights and prosecuting all those who started the war in Sudan, or we will continue until the last of my soldiers, my shameless assistant, is eliminated.

Negotiating pride and dignity, not negotiating subjugation and submission, which is the goal, period.

Starting tomorrow, impudent people will come to us in the guise of preachers to incite public opinion to negotiate in Geneva. So pay attention and remember the scale of the violations that have taken place, including theft, looting, murder, rape, displacement of citizens and destruction of public and private property.

Do not let the weevils gnaw at the body of the homeland. Be shields of protection for the homeland and its people against this fierce global attack, so that our homeland returns to us safely, and its people with longevity, what. has been ravaged by war.

The decision taken not to participate in the Geneva talks represents the pulse and demand of the Sudanese street, which only wants revenge for its full and intact right and the trial of all those who caused the fire of war. The government's speech is in line with the decision. mandate granted by the nation of Sudan, that there is no submission or submission, but pride and dignity.

Tomorrow the sun of victory will rise and joy will spread throughout my country. O God, grant us victory for the people of truth that you have promised, and shame for the people of lies. Help our armed forces, our regular services and the people. Mujahideen. Accept the martyrs. Heal the wounded. Unchain the prisoners, return the absent ones safe and sound, O Lord of the worlds.

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