Negotiation is the art of the possible with those we hate, and seeking perfection with those we love (7) ✍️ Ali Al-Fateh Al-Zubair

*The solution begins when we understand the problem*…

In our series of journeys to reflect on the history of the Sudanese nation, in quick points through which we discover the main reasons that led to our decline in obtaining a distinguished and well-deserved position among nations.

By the 6th century AD, there were three Nubian kingdoms in Nubia: the Kingdom of Nubatia in the north, with its capital in Persia, and the Kingdom of Makuria in the center, with its capital in Old Dongola.

To the south lies the kingdom of Alwa, with its capital at Soba (near Khartoum).

Knowing that the Nubians belong to Cush, son of Ham, son of Noah, the grandfather of the Nubians, and that he is the brother of “Mizraim”, the grandfather of the Egyptians.

In the 6th century AD, these kingdoms converted to Christianity.

The country of Nubia, or the land of gold, takes its name from the word “Nub”, which means gold, due to the presence of the largest gold mines on its territory, in the Al-Alaqi region, south of Aswan, Egypt. The ancient Egyptians called Nubia “the land of bows” in reference to the skill of its people in archery.

Nubia is the name given to Sudan in ancient times and included the historical region between the city of Aswan south to Khartoum (today it includes most of the territory of Sudan).

Sudan's ancient history radiates local, regional and global influences, and research continues to reveal these precious legacies that are meant to unite us, not divide us.

In a surprising article, closer to reality, published on several websites by the writer:

Mustafa single

In it he talks about Sudan, injustice, slander and even the manipulation of historians, obscuring the facts for ages. Science has recently proven that using radioactive carbon that determines the date and age of things and DNA analysis that shows the origin of things, the race to which they belong and the human lineage. With it, there is no room for deception, myths, fabrication, lies, counterfeiting and superstitions of the so-called Egyptologists, and this was confirmed by a group of scientists. of civilization, archeology, genetics and human lineages, such as:



Pierre Cheney


William Adams

Professor Charles Bonnet

Derek Wellesby

Richard Le Pen

Professor Claude

These people wrote about Sudan and the ancient kingdom of Kush as the first known kingdom in history, which explains many missing and hidden facts.

This story, its events and many of its stories have been mentioned in the heavenly books and history books.

All these events and many more took place here.

In Sudan, with its privileged location, which it occupies

In the geography of the world and in the heart of hearts.

*To be continued: If God extends the deadlines*

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