Negotiation: The art of possibility with those we hate and the search for perfection with those we love (3)

*The solution begins when we understand the problem*…

I am struck by many historical scenes of the Sudanese people (ruler and governed), full of lessons, deep in their impact, necessary to examine and contemplate, from which we can benefit whenever we have time, to be a nation, a state and a homeland that we respect and that we work to elevate and develop…

Nations rise through the minds of their thinkers, scholars and the efforts of their workers, artisans and small producers. There is not a single country in the world that has developed and advanced without its masters and politicians accompanied by these models from the world. social groups. Ignoring any element of it leads to an imbalance in the wheel of production and development.

Anyone who assumes that the countries we call (superpowers, great countries) is delusional because all the population blocks that compose them are thinkers, geniuses, intelligent people and inventors.

The truth is that a very small number of loyal people, distinguished in all fields in these countries, with a planned format and precise objectives, lead their people towards political, security, social and economic stability.

Looking at the historical evidence and stories of the person of Sudan, (a leader)… we are certain that the eve of Sudan, has been unable so far to give us a single leader, who sets a national goal, and achieves it..!!!

Even if this goal is (moral).

It paves the way for the unity of a people and the building of a state. It establishes inspiring convictions. Forget about big goals. In general, he who is incapable of will and reflection will be defeated by the leadership.

And this places the blame, for this, there is no ruler who is satisfied with him… and the governed are also not satisfied with those who govern them…

However, the great problems, dilemmas and afflictions make us rise above all that is inferior and unite us towards one goal during these tribulations that require much wisdom and patience, and to do our utmost in search of a creature of the earth that will take us out of this tunnel. We have been there longer than the people of the cave and their dog…

When we talk about negotiation, we mean what is deeper than what appears on the surface: disappointment, adversity and setbacks. We always strive to resolve their symptoms, and the disease remains, kneeling in the path of our wounded, bereaved and grieving. country, except for those who… A people whose majority is of good race, with humble aspirations, who are content with some of the minimum necessities of life, in a homeland where there is much goodness, love and encounter.

A homeland that we breathe, that we adore, that inhabits us more than we live there.

We carry it with us wherever we go, and it is a moral, social and psychological trait and value that we can invest in for us, not against us, if we strive to do so by viewing it as a highly reliable tool. objective by

Directed educational programs and media,

We are on the way to local, regional and global efforts aimed at ending the April 15 war of the third year after the twentieth of the third millennium, according to discussions that could lead to a ceasefire and the delivery of humanitarian aid, and could reach an agreement by proposing solutions to the Sudanese problem.

We seek together, through this series of articles, to first identify the strategic problems and define them as they are, without concealment and far from burying our heads in the sand, in order to lay the first bricks that will allow us to really stand on them and build convictions around them. We must not be fooled into moving towards solutions that do not include a solution… to avoid falling into the murky pool of water of the international community, which only cares about its own interests, even if the price to pay is… our disappearance from existence… as a dear country… and generous people… sadness and loss predominate, and need, and loved ones, hope for wishes.

Next: If God extends the deadlines

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