Negotiation: The Art of Possibility with Those You Hate, and the Desire for Perfection with Those You Love (2) ✍️ Ali Al-Fateh Al-Zubair

*The solution begins when we understand the problem*…

Sudan, throughout the ages, has not experienced stability in governance, except during the time of the Sinarian State, which

It was founded in 1504 AD, as a result of an alliance between the Funj tribes of the southeastern Blue Nile, led by Amara Dingus, and the Abdlab tribes, led by Abdullah Jamaa. It was also known as the “Fung Kingdom”, the “Blue Sultanate” and the “State of Senaria”. Its subjects were called whores

And then,

It continues to be alternately divided, divided and lost, in the absence of truly national intellectual elites, incapable of simply writing inspiring ideas and projects that could be realized in spaces rich in available wealth, social, cultural, economic, and geographical diversity, which would make it possible to achieve and create a State with its status among nations.

Perhaps this extension of time and space for this young state is not the result of chance, but it is the determination of men, their ability to overcome difficulties, their contentment and their acceptance of others.

Despite the scarcity and difficulty of communicating with the world around them, the scarcity of information, knowledge and exchange of experiences with the kingdoms and empires of that time.

Perhaps there is confusion and exclusivity of opinion among those in decision-making positions and a lack of in-depth advice, as well as a spread of ignorance of all kinds, its definitions and failure to take into account the higher interest of the state and its political, economic and security future.

It took place in the second half of the 18th century, and after several important historical events, it led to the gradual disintegration of the kingdom, the most important of which was the death of Minister Douka. He was the greatest minister during the reign of. Sultan Badi. After his death, the Funj kings became puppets in the hands of barbarian ministers, who were able to dismiss them and install the kings they wanted, in addition to Sultan Badi's dependence on those on whom the people did not agree. of some tribes, whom he brought and gave them important jobs, and they were not worthy of them. (according to the point of view of the stakeholders and the loudest voices of the time)

Of course, this angered the elders of Funj. The Sultan lost the support of his family and entourage, which helped the savages, led by Abu Kilik, to seize important administrative positions within the kingdom. The Taka tribes in the east and the Shukria tribes in the center revolted. They disobeyed the Sultan and the Shayqiya also split in the late 17th century.

Perhaps the clock wheel will return its hands to the same time, despite the difference in circumstances, people and places.

Perhaps, unfortunately, we do not benefit from our experiences, nor from those of others.

We place blame and blame on our era, and as Imam Al-Shafi'i, may God be pleased with him, said:

We are the fault of our time and the fault is in us

Our time has no fault but we

And they walked at that time without sin

If time had spoken, it would have surprised us.

A wolf does not eat wolf meat

And we eat each other naked

To be continued, If God extends the deadlines..

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