Negotiations in Switzerland What's going on? – The face of truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan Tom Perriello: We have indirect communication with the leadership of the Sudanese military through the Egyptian and Saudi mediators. This conversation with Al Jazeera News moves us in the direction where there is hope for the development of the negotiations. situation through which the parties to the U.S.-Saudi mediation seek to end the war and achieve a comprehensive peace in Sudan. Many who are familiar with the nature of negotiations to end wars know its complexities and difficulties. -the scenes of negotiations or the results of the communications that take place are not intended for publication in order to keep the process moving forward and to protect it from external or internal influences. This is what has been requested. The mediators wanted to advance the Swiss negotiations, which began on August 14, in a remote location, unknown even to the media, where a barrier of secrecy was imposed on the course of the process, which the Sudanese government boycotted after announcing its reasons and linking it to the commitment to implement the Jeddah Agreement for Security Arrangements and Operations. Humanity.. signed in May last year.. Yesterday, in a surprising development, President Abdel Fattah al-Burhan's speech to the visiting Sudanese-Egyptian press delegation revealed new interesting details during which he explained that Sudan had presented a comprehensive proposal and an executive vision (road map) regarding the Jeddah Agreement signed on May 11 last year… and that a specific program had been determined with a timetable… which was handed over to the Saudi Foreign Minister. , Prince Faisal bin Farhan, and US Special Envoy to Sudan Tom Perriello… which included the withdrawal of the Rapid Support Forces from civilian objects and citizens' homes, and even from the entire capital, Khartoum, in addition to the cities. Darfur region and Gezira State… He also revealed the Sudanese government's proposal for a monitoring mechanism for the implementation of the Jeddah Agreement… which includes a number of neighboring countries… He also clarified that the rebellion opposed the agreement. presence of some countries such as Egypt and South Sudan. President Al-Burhan also said: “We have determined the number of forces and their deployment areas.” He also affirmed his government's adherence to the importance of implementing the agreement and not going to new negotiations without committing to implementing what was agreed. This proof speech requires a lot of attention. The man implicitly indicates that a great deal of progress has been made in the previous negotiation processes that took place before reaching the stage of determining the number. of forces withdrawing from their locations, a dispute arose over the countries that were monitoring this, and the rebellion opposed the presence of Egypt and South Sudan. This confirms that the agreement has made significant progress. We also reported this in a previous article. According to some sources, camps in the State of South Sudan were ready to gather these forces.. and that he requested the appointment of experts from both parties with their military, legal and humanitarian qualities related to the security of the paths.. In any case, we continue. We have this week in which we could witness surprising developments that advance the peace process in accordance with the conditions of the Sudanese government and the leadership of the state. It is clear that communications aimed at softening positions have not been interrupted by either party in recent months or days. This, in my opinion, is a good thing, because it represents an advanced stage of understanding that can be counted on. It may also be the only way that can represent an intelligent approach between the desire for peace and. achieving security through the implementation of the Jeddah agreement … and the presence of some observers that Sudan does not welcome at the negotiating table … as well as perhaps the absence from the negotiating table during which the Sudanese government avoided implicitly recognizing the rebellion if the response to Switzerland was made without implementing the announced road map. It was reported by President Al-Burhan, who was handed over to the mediators. As a result, it was learned about the presence of the rebel rapid support forces. in the political life of the Sudanese is not welcome under any banner or title after the widespread violations they committed against citizens in all the regions they entered … and which were condemned by a number of regional and international countries. organizations and has been described as war crimes and crimes against humanity. On the other hand, it demonstrates a commitment to citizens and a demonstration of good intentions. The Sudanese government took the initiative the day before yesterday to take the decision to open the Adre. border crossing and authorized the relevant authorities to do so… at a number of crossing points had previously announced their opening to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid to affected people. The decision was widely welcomed and welcomed by the mediators, prompting them to issue a joint statement in which they welcomed the important step that Sudan has set for three months to be subject to assessment and review. This measure also supports the reference to Washington's discourse that the aim of the discussions is to expand the scope of the provision of humanitarian aid. aid and to create a monitoring and auditing mechanism to ensure the implementation of any agreement between the parties, which was confirmed during the call of US Secretary of State Blinken with President Al-Burhan after the start of the negotiations, during which the minister confirmed the commitment to the implementation of the Jeddah agreement… but on the Sudanese side This is in doubt due to the transfer of the negotiations from Jeddah to Switzerland. Despite this, in my opinion, the Sudanese government has come a long way towards humanitarian operations. mediators to link the rebellion to security arrangements. These steps were taken in addition to President Burhan's speech on the importance of commitment to implement the agreement. Jeddah represents the face of the truth that we all need to know and that we must force the parties to adhere to. There is much to be done in Switzerland if the intentions are pure, if the agendas are postponed and if the interest of the Sudanese people takes precedence over all other interests.

May you always be well..

Sunday, August 18, 2024 AD. (email protected)

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