Nile Acting Governor Calls for Developing Educational Programs to Cope with Effects of War and Deepen National Values During Opening of Al-Masara School

Atbara: Zoll Net
The Acting Governor of Nile State and Minister of Culture and Information, Mr. Mustafa Mohamed Othman Al-Sharif, said that the war imposed on Sudan has had negative effects on society, which requires concerted efforts to address these effects and rehabilitate future generations. He called on educational institutions to develop educational programs that address the negative consequences of war and reinforce the authentic values and principles of the Sudanese people, praising the heroism and sacrifices of our valiant armed forces in defending the country.
During his inauguration today of the Al-Masara private primary school in the town of Atbara, the *Vice Governor* praised the role of teachers in the state, stressing that they constitute the backbone backbone of the educational process. great support provided by the state government under the leadership of the governor, His Excellency Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, who is responsible for education. He conveyed the governor’s greetings to the participants, emphasizing his keenness to support the educational process in the state and provide all capabilities necessary for its success, wishing the new school every success.
Mr. *Abdul Hai Al-Badawi*, representative of the Minister of Education and Director of State Special Education, highlighted the importance of the continuity of the educational process, especially in light of the current circumstances, welcoming efforts to develop the private education sector. He expressed his hope that Al-Masarra School will become a model in the field of private education and occupy a leading place among public schools, thus contributing to raising the level of education in general .
The Director of Primary Administration in the locality of Atbara, Mr. Adel Hamadto, stressed the importance of providing a stimulating educational environment equipped with all the necessary capabilities to ensure the success of the educational process, emphasizing on the importance of afforestation. He promised to provide full support to the school and evaluate its performance on a continuous basis, to ensure that it achieves the desired goals.
In turn, Mr. Ibrahim Fath Al-Rahman, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Al-Masara School, expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the state government for its continued support for education, and stressed that Al-Masara School strives to provide a distinguished educational model that lives up to the aspirations of society, focusing on inculcating high moral values by providing students with the necessary life skills to meet the challenges of the future.
At the start of the event, Ms. Hala Hussein, principal of Al-Masara (Boys-Girls) Primary School, gave a speech of thanks and appreciation to all those who contributed to the success of this major educational project. She pointed out that the school has attracted an elite group of qualified educational personnel, making it a qualitative addition to Atbara town and the Real Estate Bank area in particular. She is committed to deploying all her efforts and her work team to make Al-Masara School a leading educational institution striving for excellence and success.
We note that the opening ceremony saw the presence of a group of official and popular personalities, including leaders of education, security and justice agencies, in addition to the active participation of the Dana troupe, the Union of the Deaf and Mutes and the Daesh theater troupe. troop.
In conclusion, we honored the Nile Governor, the patron of education in the state, the Minister of Culture and Information, the leaders of educational work and the personalities who effectively contributed to the initiation of the process of the Al-Masarra Educational Foundation. , in recognition of their efforts and continued support.