Nile Deputy Governor: New media has created a movement and Shendi is the first in the field of electronic publishing

Nile Deputy Governor and Minister of Culture, Information and Communications Dr. Mustafa Al-Sharif praised the great media movement created by the Expatriate Media Association in Shendi in particular and the media arriving in the 'State in general.

He said during his meeting in his office at the ministry's headquarters in Atbara with a member of the executive office of the Shendi association and the editorial head of the electronic newspaper Nahr al-Nil, Mahfouz Abdeen, that this movement had an impact positive. , supportive and united impact on the armed forces as they fought the battle for dignity to repel the unjust aggression against the country.

He explained that the expatriate media, especially in Shendi, showed its imprints in the high level of media performance and message, and that Shendi stood out from the rest of the localities in the state with its clear media progress, especially in electronic publishing and in the media. presence in national media agencies.

The Deputy Governor of Nile and the Minister of Information stressed the importance of benefiting from the expertise of the media in shaping and improving the media message.

For his part, Mahfouz Abdine, member of the Executive Bureau and President

The editorial board of the Nile Electronic Newspaper said that the Nile Expatriate Media Professionals Association attracted the interest of the state government and Nile Governor Muhammad al-Badawi, who was the first to receive the expatriate media and to provide them with aid to accomplish its mission.

Mahfouz Abdeen, member of the executive office of the Khartoum Journalists Association in Shindi, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the leaders of major institutions of local Shindi, Third Division, Shindi University, Security Service , police and others and symbols of society. He expressed his thanks and appreciation to everyone for their good cooperation with the Association in carrying out its mission. Especially the executive director of the locality of Shindi, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, and the media director, Babiker Al-Azraq.

He emphasized that this media movement created by the Association is the result of the great interaction between the Association and the official Shendi community. And popular.

It should be noted that Shendi periodically publishes a number of electronic newspapers, including Shendi News and Events, Nahr Al-Nil, Al-Shamaa, published by the Third Division, Al-Anwar Al-Eqtisadiah newspaper, Al-Shababiya Esport and Shendi Madinati.

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