Nile Governor Announces Opening of E-Passport Factory, Country's Police Chief Confirms More Projects Ahead

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, appointed governor of the Nile, praised the Sudanese police and described them as a watchful eye. This came during the opening of the e-passport factory in Atbara in the presence and participation of Lieutenant General Khaled Hassan Mohieddin, Director General of the country's police, members of the state security committee, Professor Amira Ahmed Hassan, Minister of Finance of the state, and Professor Osama Majzoub Babakir Al-Labib, Executive Director of Atbara locality, a number of police leaders at the national and state levels, as well as a large group of citizens.

The Governor expressed his joy at the opening of this building, stressing that it was one of the demands of the citizens and people of the state for a very long time. The Human Governor presented his marriage to the citizens of the state. with their agreement with the Director General of Police of the country to establish more services in the state, including the printing and issuance of the national card and the national number to facilitate the procedures for the citizen, the governor added that their efforts are continuing vigorously. in order to advance the reality of the state in various areas and work towards upgrading and improving services and expanding them to cover all localities and regions of the state, the governor renewed his commendations for the distinguished performance of the state police and the great role it plays. plays in community service.

For his part, Lieutenant General Khaled Hassan Mohieldin, Director General of the country's police, extended his congratulations to all citizens of the Nile State on the opening of this building, which, he said, is part of the plan of the Ministry of Interior and the Police Authority to expand their services and reach the citizen in his position in order to facilitate and end suffering, stressing that their visit. The state also focuses on community peace, considering that security is the responsibility of all. strengthen the community police so that it can fully play its role in preserving the values ​​and morals of the tolerant people of Sudan and in combating all negative phenomena. He stressed the importance of cooperation between the security services and citizens to combat these phenomena. The Director General of Police added that his visits would continue in the rest of the states and provide services to all citizens through an integrated and precise plan for all states through specific schedules, praising the great cooperation of the state government, led by the government. The governor, with the police until the completion of these projects, stressed that the Nile State has always remained at the forefront in its support for the police and in its sponsorship of all the projects implemented by the police. He also commended the great efforts and appreciated. of the state government to shelter all those who came to the state as a result of the rebellion, as well as the state's initiatives in mobilization and alert programs, training camps, popular armed resistance, initiative to start and end the school year, and the advancement of development projects and services despite the circumstances the country is going through, and the complete cooperation and harmony between all the security services and the state executive office, which have contributed to the great and complete stability witnessed in the state.

We note that Major General Salman Muhammad Al-Tayeb, Director of the State Police, welcomed the visit of the Director General of the country's police and his accompanying delegation, praising the achievement of this great achievement and the opening of the e-passport factory, which, he said, is a gift for every citizen and person in the Nile State and other states and will help alleviate the pressure and burden and facilitate the task of citizens who request the service, especially patients, students, business owners and citizens. others renewed their appreciation to the leadership of the country's police for their support to the state. They also expressed their appreciation to the state government and the citizens and people of the state, led by Mr. The state security services will remain on the watchful eye. the security, stability and safety of the State and its citizens and will be on the lookout for anyone who attempts to undermine the security, stability and safety of the State.

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