Nile Governor: Controls, legal procedures and careful inventory prevent any threat to foreign presence in the state

Nile Governor Dr. Mohamed Al-Badawi Abdel-Majed said legal procedures and strict implementation of checks and careful counting of foreigners have reduced any risk of foreign presence in the state.
The Nile Governor indicated in exclusive statements to the Berber newspaper River Nile that the great work carried out by the state police authorities in its specialized departments, such as civil registration and passports, and their supporting agencies in the process of counting and sorting all foreigners present in the state and of all nationalities, made the situation clear to the state security authorities.
He said that legalization of foreign presence in line with immigration controls is a very important issue, especially since Nile State has become an attractive state for investments and many companies and businesses employ workers foreigners.
The Nile Governor said in exclusive statements to the River Nile electronic newspaper that the great efforts made by the state authorities at some point facilitate relations with foreigners, especially since the state is ready to receive more domestic and foreign investment and multinational companies.
The photo, taken from inside the Stade Berbère, shows Nile Governor Dr. Mohamed El-Badawi Abdel-Majed making special statements to the head of the editorial board of the electronic newspaper El-Nahr El-Nile, Mahfouz Abdeen .