Nile Governor: Major General Hamdan is bigger than any rumor and bigger than any targeting

Nile Governor Dr. Mohamed Al-Badawi Abdel-Majed confirmed that the rumors targeting the armed forces and their senior leadership, led by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, do not that increase the cohesion, strength and invincibility of the armed forces.

He congratulated the Nile Governor while addressing the invited crowds at the wedding ceremony of the civil leader's son and popular leader, Abdullah Muhammad Othman, in Al-Masiti, North Shindi. He congratulated the commander of the 3rd Infantry Division. in Shindi, Major General Hamdan Abdul Qadir Dawoud, who was subjected to a torrent of rumors, accusations and lies, but Hamdan was bigger than any rumor and bigger than any target that affected him or the military institution he represents.

The governor added that the Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division in Shindi, Major General Hamdan Abdul Qadir Dawoud, since he set foot on the lands of Shindi, has set an example of bravery, defiance and patience in the face of much of the damage. he received on social media sites and he continued to deliver great work.

And while this is my testimony against this man, it is testimony he deserves and for which I am responsible, and it is testimony demanded by higher authorities. He was a model of virility and good performance, and we are the ones who evaluate him. performance, not those who attack it in the media behind the walls or by infiltrating their sisters' houses, and anyone who wants to evaluate it or confront it must leave the room Inside the houses and among the girls.

The public responded to the governor's words regarding the commander of the 3rd Infantry Division in Bashandi, Major General Hamdan Abdel Qader, with songs of support for the man and the armed forces.

It is noteworthy that the commander of the Third Infantry Division in Shindi, Major General Hamdan Abdul Qader Dawoud, attended the wedding ceremony of Abdullah's son Muhammad Othman.

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