Nile Governor Receives Visiting European Union Delegation to State, Welcomes World Food Organization Donation

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel-Majed Abu Qarun, Nile Governor in charge of his office in Al-Damer, received a European Union delegation visiting the state these days with the aim of following up on an evaluation of the activities presented by the organizations affiliated to the Union, in the presence and with the participation of Professor Mostafa Muhammad Othman Al-Sharif, Minister of Culture, Information and Communications and Acting Minister of Social Affairs, and Professor Afaf Al-Sir. state commissioner for humanitarian and voluntary aid

The Governor expressed his deep gratitude to the World Food Organization and UNICEF for the great support provided to the State, particularly in education and for what has been provided to agriculture, including the supply of wheat seeds and support in the form of a number of harvesters. The governor added that we look forward to a greater role for organizations and the trend to establish development projects and services that serve the largest sector of citizens.

Mr. Mustafa Mohamed Othman Al-Sharif, Minister of Culture, Information and Communications and Acting Minister of Social Affairs, praised the appreciated and important efforts of organizations, particularly in the area of ​​support for accommodation centers for expats in the state. The State hosts a very large number of expatriates which exceeds the number of citizens and inhabitants of the State by more than three times, which explains why a large number of expatriates are accommodated in residential areas with citizens.

Ms. Afaf Taj Al-Sir, Commissioner for State Humanitarian and Voluntary Aid, praised the appreciated and important efforts of organizations, especially the World Food Organization, which provides food aid to arrivals in the accommodation centers every two months, in addition to what was presented for the Wheat Harvest Emergency Response Project, which provides quantities of wheat seeds distributed to small farmers through the Ministry of Agriculture, in addition to providing three harvesters to the State, as well as a meal project for 161 students, which were distributed in schools across the State.

The visiting delegation will visit accommodation centers, besides reviewing the wheat cultivation project and other projects being implemented across the organizations.

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