Nile Information Minister Calls for Internal Unity to Face Media War

Darmali, July 2, 2024 (Zool Net)

Mr. Mustafa Mohamed Othman Al-Sharif, Minister of Culture, Information and Communications of the Nile State, stressed the need for internal unity to confront the systematic media war targeting the country.

The minister said during a social event in the Berber south that “victory is near” thanks to the bravery and sacrifices of the Sudanese armed forces on all battle fronts, calling on citizens not to pay attention to malicious rumors aimed at undermining morale.

Al-Sharif stressed that “security is everyone's responsibility,” emphasizing the importance of the citizen's role in increasing the sense of security and refuting rumors.

The minister stressed the importance of the role of the media at this stage, stressing the need to confront the media machine of the defeated rebel militias that seek to destabilize the country and sow chaos.

The minister called for “a firm stance behind the armed forces in the battle of dignity” to defend the homeland and protect its sovereignty, stressing that the media war is one of the forms of “the war imposed on Sudan that aims to dismantle the national state.” cohesion between the Sudanese people and its armed forces.

The minister concluded his speech by stressing that “the Sudanese people are united behind their valiant army and will not be defeated by any challenge, no matter how great.” He took pity on the martyrs, calling for a speedy recovery of the wounded and a clear victory for the armed forces.

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