Nile Popular Resistance Calls for Prosecution of War Criminals and Genocide in Sudan

The leader of the Nile Popular Resistance, Lieutenant General Mahjoub Hassan Saad, announced his support for the speech of the Sultan of Dar Masalit, which he delivered in Paris, the capital of France, and to the media of all countries. Western countries. countries.
The leader of the Nile Popular Resistance, Lieutenant General Mahjoub Hassan Saad, has called for the prosecution of war criminals and genocide carried out by the Rapid Support Militia in West Darfur and the rest of Sudan with the support of the coordination Qaht or Taqadum. .
These crimes committed by the militia and its collaborators at home and abroad, which were recorded and documented by the archives of the International Criminal Court and reported by all international media, do not require investigation or new evidence.
Mahjoub said that shameless coordination or other names are all rejected by the determined and patient Sudanese people.
The leader of the Nile Popular Resistance says the small forces that gathered in Paris lacked legitimacy and were overthrown by the Sudanese people, after revealing their bias in favor of the militias against the Sudanese people and their armed forces .
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