Nile State excels in state-level media work – Latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

A new reality imposed by war conditions, which is disorientation in the paths of media space

Everyone became a believer or a liar of the information that began to flow through many platforms and information sites, from which some took advantage, spreading the material or information according to their desire, which made these spheres a source of danger and fertile ground. for launching rumors and bombarding information.

What increased the danger of these multiple information and cultural sites was the entry of intelligence services into this area, who began to use them with field forces to psychologically defeat whoever they wanted through the propaganda and fabricating information that had an impact that extended to the soldier on the ground.

The nation has not been spared the evil these websites represent in the fierce war against which the armed forces are now waging. The rebel militia Rapid Support, which it used with its agents and mercenaries after the countries supporting them provided it with all the media working resources, including advanced equipment and media experts and technicians, to put in place carried out the sabotage plan against the state, began to spread misleading information. and dubbed videos, so that rumors spread among citizens in different parts of the country, and the facts were lost. And the confirmed news is in the middle of the bombarded news.

In light of this bitter media reality, Nile State woke up to the seriousness of the matter, especially after rumors spread among its citizens that the militias were threatening to enter the state, which caused panic among citizens. The state, Muhammad Al-Badawi, took the decision to create a media room to refute these rumors and combat them, and the state benefited from the presence of less than 207 media professionals from the state. Nile State of Khartoum and various countries. media specialties there, so the media room was established to refute rumors in cooperation with the moral guidance of the 3rd Infantry Division, Shindi, and with the state media personalities and media professionals coming of Khartoum who established links with the media in the different localities and organized workshops. and the seminars aimed at refuting rumors, which helped to limit their spread and sow comfort in everyone's hearts, were a beacon to follow in media work. The state has witnessed a clear shift in media messaging and unification. of media discourse, which helped to refute rumors and denounce terrorist acts perpetrated by rebel militias. Thus, Nile State has given the most wonderful examples of integrated media work in light of this accursed war that destroyed crops and livestock, and therefore deserved a medal of merit for this media excellence.

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