Nile Supreme Council for Youth and Sports Chairman discusses workshop activities on preparing proposal for 2025 plan

Professor Hawa Mohamed Idris, Chairperson of the Nile Youth and Sports Supreme Council, stressed the need to develop a solid and realistic plan that meets the requirements of the Nile youth and sports sector. opening of activities

The training workshop to discuss the development of proposals for the 2025 plan was held this morning in the hall of the Presidency of the Council, organized by the General Secretariat of the Higher Council for State Strategic Planning in coordination with the Higher Council for Youth and Sports, in the presence of Professor Somaya Abdel Jalil, representative of the Secretary General of the Higher Council for State Strategic Planning, and the directors of the general services of the Council and localities, in order to prepare and discuss the projects and programs for the Council's plan proposals for the coming year, Professor Hawaa stressed the need to develop a solid and realistic plan that meets the requirements of the youth and sports sector in the Nile, in accordance with the guidelines of the State Strategic Plan for the year 2025 AD. , with an emphasis on security and economic stability and training courses to increase the capacities of young people to reduce poverty and improve the living conditions of the people, she called. It is necessary to coordinate with the general administrations of youth and sports in the localities to develop a plan that is compatible with the plan of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports in order to achieve the objectives of the strategic plan for youth and sports in the state, Professor Somaya Abdel Jalil, representative of the Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Strategic Planning of the State. , explained that the aim of the workshop is to develop a plan from Al-Qaeda to arrive at a vision of a unified meeting in the service of youth, emphasizing the advantage of the workshop themes to propose projects aimed at advancing the youth and sports sector in the Nile.

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