Nile: Workshop discusses arrangements and coordination of local radio stations' relationship in rural community revival

The Minister of Culture and Information of the Nile State, Mustafa Al-Sharif, announced that his ministry intends to organize a workshop to discuss the arrangements and coordination of the relationship of local radio in the revival of rural communities.

The minister said that the workshop would be held in cooperation with a specialized higher academy that includes a number of experts and specialists in this field.

He stressed that the war that broke out in Sudan has revealed many types of shortcomings that must be avoided scientifically and institutionally in order not to be an enemy of generations and the country's renaissance.

He said the slow pace of development of local communities is largely the responsibility of community radio as it was one of the reasons for its establishment to increase the culture and awareness of local communities on the issues of the nation from a local perspective, whether it is increasing agricultural productivity or increasing livestock numbers in these farming and pastoral communities.

The Minister of Culture and Information of the Nile State, Mustafa Al-Sharif, said that the success of this work depends on the implementation by local radio stations of the results of this academic workshop in order to benefit the local community, which in turn will benefit the Sudanese society.

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